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Lucy Head - Student Character & Concept Art Portfolio

Lucy Head - Student Character & Concept Art Portfolio

Lucy Head
by lucyhead on 30 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

My 2024 Rookies Character & Concept Art entry! I hope you enjoy!

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"Lush Caves" | Digital Painting Concept Art

I worked on this painting over the course of roughly 4 weeks. This was my first time using Blender to block out a painting, so definitely a learning experience. I learnt a lot about composition and focal points while creating this piece, as well as value ranges and scale. I knew I definitely wanted to have a big glowing river running through the cave, as well as many glowing mushrooms! 🍄

When it came to designing my character, I had envisioned a cute little traveler that wanted to go exploring and note down the cool plants he/she saw, so I did a few different iterations of them before I settled on her final poncho-wearing design!

"Forest Home" | Digital Painting Concept Art

I worked on this painting over the course of also roughly 4 weeks, but didn't quite get as much done on it as I would have liked to... Nonetheless! I'm happy with how my final painting turned out. I also used Blender to block out this one, however if I were to have done this painting again, I definitely would have wanted to model my mice in 3d too - to assist in the scale of things a bit more.
I was evidently aiming for something cozy and wholesome, little cottage-core gardening mice - what more could you want?

The "Other Side" Inn | Character Concept Art & Development

Set in a 1920s Hotel, these characters were all created for a game project where you play as a Ghost trying to scare off hotel guests from your Hotel whilst avoiding the Ghost Hunter! These were the character designs I came up with, rich snobby hotel owners with a scary "out-of-town" Ghost Hunter to avoid...

"Hammie" | Character Design & Turn-around
This hamster was made for an animation project last year, I was tasked with making something silly and lighthearted and this is the design that I came up with! I also did all of the 2D animation work and video editing for the final piece, however, because it was for a group project - I've excluded it from my submission.

Dragon & Waiter Designs | Dragon in a Teacup Storyboard

I was tasked with taking a pre-existing script and creating a storyboard from it. The story was set in a magical but modern world - with the two main characters being humans. This gave me a lot of space to play around with what I could possibly design for the side characters (Dragon & Waiter) and these are the designs I came up with! I was largely inspired by Jeff Murchie for my Dragon design, and wanted to lean more into the Japanese folklore route with my Kappa Waiter.

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