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Léonie Bensaïd
by LeonieBensaid on 29 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

I choose to detail this piece from a bigger project as far as I could. I tried and experimented new things and had a lot of fun working on it.

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During the summer I re-watched for the second time the anime Skate: The Infinity, which lead me to want to make a summer project out of it. The skateboard is only a part of it but is the most polished part of the project so far.

I used what I learned in class but also through lots of tutorials to achieve this look I wanted. The most challenging part was by far the outline, I used Renderman but without having access to the Stylised part, it was quite difficult, but I managed !

The skateboard itself will not be as polished on the full bedroom's version, I chose to do it as an alone piece because it was a very fun thing to work and experiment new things on.

Here's a little WIP of where the bigger project is so far ! I still have a long way to go but I'm pretty confident about the rest.

See you next year ! (with maybe a following to this) :D

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