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The streets of Raguza

The streets of Raguza

by antoinebasse on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Work I did for the graduation movie Coloris as a background artist.

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Here is a sample of the work I did as background artist on the graduation movie Coloris (which has a rookie entry ! 
The story takes place in a fantastic realm whose citizens live under oppression from a dictatorial regime. The constant feel of fear and anguish is represented by muted colors on the backgrounds and characters. 
I was in charge of painting the streets of the Andalusia-inspired city. Wriggling my way in the blue-green palette we picked was quite the challenge!

Early concepts for the city with style and color palette resarches

Windows, doors and furniture researches.

Some citizens of Raguza seen in the movie. 

The dictature's henchmen are black imposing specters with all-seing eyes. When they appear, the image turns to black and white to show the fear they inspire.

Researches for the black and white sequence: thumbails, 3D, flat design and overall style.

Don't forget to give a high-five to the  graduation movie: Thanks !

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