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2024 Demo Reel 3D Character Animator

2024 Demo Reel 3D Character Animator

Arón Márquez Fernández
by Aronmf98 on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Greetings! My name is Arón, and I am pleased to present the animations I have crafted during my time at Animum 3D Art School. I sincerely hope you find them enjoyable.

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Hello, my name is Arón, and I am a 3D character animator with a passion for bringing my characters to life and evoking emotions in audiences worldwide. Below, I will show you the processes behind my favorite animations.

2024 Demo Reel

Mad Teacher - Progression Shot Reel

In this shot, I had the most enjoyable experience animating the character and crafting the scene. The arm movements, smear frames and exaggerated reactions were immensely entertaining and intuitive to animate. The most challenging aspect was adhering to the principle of maintaining clearer and longer-lasting key poses compared to a more realistic animation, as this approach is fundamentally opposite.

Drunk - Progression Shot Reel 

This clip has been one of the most challenging ones. The main issue was to make the movements appear unsteady and natural, as the character, in this situation, is drunk and lacks full control of their movements. It has been very interesting and is part of my most engaging shots. The funniest thing was playing with the bottle, which gives him a really bad attitude. I loved it!

Acrobatics - Progression Shot Reel

Here, I present the body mechanics exercise I completed, which was definitely tough. In this shot, I had to constantly remind myself of the importance of the silhouette. I continually needed to ensure that the action was clear through the silhouette, imagining the character in black and checking if the pose was perfectly understandable. It was a shot that definitely pushed me to improve.

Look - Progression Shot Reel 

And finally the last one, Look, this animation holds a special place in my heart. I love the sensitivity of the character movements and how they convey closeness, doubt, fear, and a subtle subtext from the male character that captivates me. Without a doubt, the most dificult aspect of this shot was achieving this sensitivity and subtlety that allows the characters' emotions to permeate the atmosphere.

As a final message, I would like to note that this journey has been intense but fascinating. I have learned an incredible amount of experience thanks to each and every one of the professors and the content that we were constantly exposed. 

Animation is definitely a unique and beautiful world.

Thanks for stoping by feel free to contact if you are interested:

Linkedin | Instagram | Youtube | Gmail: [email protected]

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