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Destruction of an Arcane Temple

Destruction of an Arcane Temple

by karlosh890 on 30 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

This work has been completely done with Houdini, except for the light beams that enter through the windows and the one that comes from the other room, which have been done with Adobe After Effects. The character and its animation are from Mixamo. And the material textures are from Quixel Bridge.

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In this shot we see a character in the chamber of an arcane temple. Her goal is to access the next room, whose entrance is blocked by a large gate. To make this happen, she concentrates the energy that imbues the temple into a magical energy core that she extracts from the ground and projects it towards the gateway. As it advances, the core continues to take up energy and the excess is expelled in form of rays that impact against the walls of the temple. Upon reaching the point of impact, the environment energy concentrates, causing a brief implosion. Then the core release all the energy in a great magical explosion that destroys the gate, making access to the other room possible.

The model of the temple has been made procedurally, seeking the presence of different materials (stone slabs, bricks, tiles, wood, glass…) to get a more complex destruction. Also each material’s fracture is different in order to emulate a realistic look.

There are several simulations within the project.

Firstly, there is an RBD simulation acting on each of the parts with different forces and colliders to break both the constraints that keep the pieces together.

The fractured pieces have been used as sources for the debris of each material and for the dust generated by them.

There are different pyro simulations: the smoke from the core, the dust from destruction and the final explosion. This one, is made up by the explosion itself, the trails and a shockwave. Torches are affected by the destruction of the ground that drags them until they are extinguished. The two torches behind the character are affected by the wind caused throughout the different phases of the destruction.

Finally, there is a particle simulation, generated from the same debris source. There are two particle groups with different behavior. Some get expelled from the affected pieces and others, after that, are attracted by the energy core. Each ray also generates particles and smoke when impacts against a surface.

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