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Blind Forest UE5 Audio Based Game

Blind Forest UE5 Audio Based Game

Edwin Molano
by edwinmolanosabogal on 29 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

This was my exam for the Audio Implementation In-Engine course at DAE Howest. They asked us to make a game where audio would be the main mechanic driving it. I developed this game using free art assets from the Unreal Marketplace and used the Universal Production Library for the music. Do not make noise!

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To create this peculiar Audio-Noise response, I created a completely dark material, and applied it to infinite extents in the world, using a post-process volume.

Then within a certain amount of time, an instance of a dynamic colour material is spawned (with the stencil settings enabled on the engine), that is expanded on circular shapes using a defined timeline rate, that when it ends destroys itself, and followed by a report noise function every time an audio file is played, so the AI of enemies are aware of it.

There are 5 different colors for noises:

Green: stealth mode/ friendly objectives.

White: footsteps of the player.

Red: Enemies.

Yellow: distracting noises for enemies.

Blue: player's voice inside the game.

To create the guiding wind system:

For the audio loop used on the wind trail that can we hear,I used a pink noise generator using Metasounds, that spawns on the back of the player and moves towards the direction of your current objective, with a small and focused spheric occlusion and long fall-off distance, to be able to locate the source.

Then I spawned a leave particle system in front of the player, and a force aiming at the current objective of the player, visually complementing the mechanic.

Everything combined gives the player a sense of where to go in this dark environment.

To enable the voice of the player inside the game, I used an audio capture component on the player blueprint, that spawns an instance of this dynamic material every time it reaches a volume threshold, followed by a report noise for the AI.

Credits for the music I used:

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