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Compositing Reel 2024

Compositing Reel 2024

A compilation of my best work heading into 2024, with breakdowns of each one. These include 2d and 3d scenes, using keying, tracking and plate clean up.

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Here's my entry for this years Rookie awards, a compilation of some of the shots I've created utilising Nukes 2d and 3d scenes as well as Blender to create environments.

Shot 01-  Flyover

This was an internal CG Spectrum shot using a digital matte painting created by another student and I turned it into a finished shot as a compositor. David Dixon created the floating islands and, inspired by the movement of the drone, I used a CGI cockpit shot taken from 1 stop youtube, with vfx from Footage Crate to create the final composite.

Shot 02- Castle in the sky

This was a personal project - I'd  found a filming spot in the peak district to use as a plate for a background replacement shot and decided I wanted to create it as a 3d environment instead of 2d. I built the cloud effects that the castle sits in within Blender, adding the castle pack from Footage Crate, lighting with the sky in my original shot and adding an additional sunlight to add a higher altitude feel.

Shot 03- Avatar

My second personal project - inspired by the Avatar and Star Wars, I wanted to create a meditation scene utilising VFX from Footage Crate. I created a digital matte painting within photoshop, separated the elements out within Nuke in order to composite it with the greenscreen footage which was created in my living room with my studio setup.

Shot 04- Magic Gate

Another personal shot - I stumbled across this old church window and decided to use it for a plate, but changing the scene to go from a sunny day to a dark moody one. Adding VFX taken from Footage Crate to change it into a portal inspired by World of Warcrafts main loading scene and Hellboy.

Shot 05- Tron

The plates and files were all provided by Miodrag Colombo, with the appropriate AOV's. So I thought I'd experiment with this and try to follow the look and feel of Tron, matching the colour palette to a still from Tron Legacy.

Shot 06- Sniper

The shot of this is taken from a short 'Tears of steel' provided as a test from a company. This was to see how I'd do with greenscreen removal, but I added my own background in order for it to be a finished shot.

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