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Benoit Chenu / Visual Develloppement and Backgrounds

Benoit Chenu / Visual Develloppement and Backgrounds

Benoit Chenu
by Benito on 29 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

I'm sharing with you my participation in this contest, my best projects completed this year. The first is a background project with a conceptual part, and the second is a scene built under different lightings conditions. I also show you some additional, practical works I did alongside these projects. Thank you !

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Pastry Backgrounds

This is a background project wich I started by making envirronment concepts, to then paint the scene from 3D through layout to the light drama sketches.

Backgrounds of the Pastry scene

Envirronment concepts of the pastry

Painting process of the backgrounds

Parisian Restaurant Light Key

I built a restaurant in the street of Paris as a scene, and based it on different moods.

Light sources and drama sketches


Iterations exercices

Studies and plein air

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