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Be a Hero

Be a Hero

by aesunjung on 29 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Created a video to raise awareness about blood donation and the importance of knowing one's blood type. Aimed to promote American Red Cross. Used diverse techniques like 2D, 3D, stop-motion, live-action, and household items for recording to engage viewers and showcase creativity.

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The objective of this video was to teach people how to donate blood and to increase interest in their blood types and blood donation. I've rarely seen blood donation ads since coming to the United States. Through my research, I discovered that 66% of Americans don't know their blood type. I decided to create a video explaining blood types and how to donate blood, so it could educate viewers. I created a promotional video for the American Red Cross. I started by writing a script for the video. Then, I interspersed 2D, 3D, stop-motion, and live-action videos throughout to keep viewers engaged. I used items from my home to record live footage. For example, I created a checklist and printed it out, used window light to create a white background, pressed buttons on a thermometer, bought red thread to create a heartbeat line, and used a coffee pot to represent warmth, bought a variety of snacks and made stop-motion animations, and etc. By using a combination of 2D, 3D illustration, stop-motion, and live-action videos, a diverse range of visual elements can be incorporated, making the video more engaging. Therefore, this diversity helps attract more interest and effectively deliver the message. Overall, I hope that through this video, the healthcare system in the United States will become more efficient, and I strongly believe that by helping each other, we can make this world a brighter and happier place.

I used items from my home products to record live footage. For example, I created a checklist and printed it out, used window light to create a white background, pressed buttons on a thermometer, bought red thread to create a heartbeat line, and used a coffee pot to represent warmth. 

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