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Carla Cubells - Concept Art  2024_ Lost Crystal

Carla Cubells - Concept Art 2024_ Lost Crystal

by CarlaCubells on 29 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello! This is the final project that have been working on, had created a hole story and background for the character and the props I designed. I hope you like it!

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This story is about a world, where there is a city, whose technology is very advanced but unfortunately it is about to exhaust all the energy that resides on the planet, which makes the entire ecosystem function. This city is separated by factions, and every time one of these factions runs out of the necessary resources, they are left abandoned.

Glasya, one of the leaders of one of the gangs, decides to put an end to this tragedy, trying to find a solution, luckily there are some old documents indicating that outside the city there is a mystical place that could be the only hope to rehabilitate the city. .

She decides to embark to the outskirts of the city, well prepared for the arduous journey. Notifying the gang of her and promising them she will try to find a substitute source of energy.

Glasya is a woman who was the descendant of her gang, they made her a boss at an early age. She is a woman with a cold character who does not usually show her emotions much. She usually thinks things through before doing them to get the most out of it and to achieve the best for her people.

Design of Glasya skateboard

Glasya has a flying skateboard, that is capable of going through the skies and a few meters above the ground. On the back of the skate, it has 2 symmetrical spoilers on each side, so that when you have to do certain maneuvers the movement is more aerodynamic. Its pointed shape helps it go at very fast speeds.

It has a module that can make the person running him stay invisible for about 10 minutes. This can be activated with one of the buttons at the bottom, which are white squares, one is to activate the action and the other to deactivate it.

Design of Glasya Weapon

The weapon that she has is a dual saber, which can be disassembled and used as a sword. Suitable for any situation. When disassembled, at the top of the sword, it takes the shape of a pistol. Fires short-range laser beams. The blade part has a streamlined shape with the same image on each side but reversed. The blade of the sword is made of metal, and can cut any type of surface.

When Glasya enters the magical world with her skateboard, it transforms, or rather, produces an aesthetic and functional change. Aesthetically there are parts that can be recognized from its world, from the original design, what changes is that vines appear in all parts of the skate, but in a different way. In the front there are leaves and vines (that wrap the skate above and below), but these are formed in a circle and are not symmetrical. However, at the back the ailerons look fragmented and wrapped by those vines and there are crystals floating and embedded in the lower part of the ailerons.

Like the vehicle, the same effects also apply to the weapon, and also the energy is inexhaustible and it has infinite reload shots. Aesthetically, it is still recognizable as the original weapon, but has parts of a nature embedded and exchanged after having crossed the portal.

Design of the Portal between both worlds

In a very far place, outside the city. No one dares to leave because it is said that if you ever leave the city beyond the city, from there there is no turning back without return. A desolate place where no human has been able to return or leave a mark. 

The structure of the portal mixes part of the architecture of both worlds, green areas with trees and yellowish gray areas with a more artificial appearance. It is surrounded by greenery, which is rare to see in the bleak city that barely has green tones due to the lack of sunlight. Also everything seems to be floating, the ground is torn and split into segments.

The world Glasya arrives is the opposite of what she has seen all of her life. Bright colors, everything full of life, with contrast, sunlight that reaches anycorner. 

This world is made up of floating islands, which surround the source of unlimited energy of your world, it is not just any source and is made up of rocks and crystal clear water, which falls like waterfalls, and this water may be floating in certain parts. of the world. island. The habitants of this magical world are diverse creatures and move with aquatic and flying vehicles, using the same energy that emanates from the power source of the rock structure and are connected to each other. 

Design of the Magic Vehicle: FLYING-AQUATIC SHIP

It is a magical ship, capable of going through the air, since it is powered by the crystals that it has on the sides, they are embedded. At the back a magical halo with runes lights up, this magic circle is what adjusts the speed or propulsion of the vehicle, when it is driven by the driver.

At the back, at the bottom, it has two jade stone wings, which, being a type of magic stone, makes the ship stay safer in the air. These stone wings also move subtly, lying to the sides in case of making a more complex turn, and these movements can also be made when going through water, but it is advisable to go through deep water. In the back, behind the seat, there is a compartment where the magician keeps any type of ingredients for his potions, and he also usually keeps maps of his world, in case he has to make long journeys.

Design of the Magic Book

The magician's spell book. It is a book with many contents and sections to solve any type of situation. On the one hand, it would be more focused on healing physical or mental wounds. The book would work as follows: you ask it to show you the contents of what you are looking for and it finds the results in the blink of an eye. The book has an index that helps you ask what you need to know. And each of these knowledge and spells will appear with different colors to represent each of those themes.

Thanks to everyoneI have been able to create my own drawings with my own story, I have learned a lot during these last months, and I am proud of how far I have come, and from now on there is even more to improve, but thanks to the university professors, Albert Pujadas, Elías Vázquez and Gerard Martínez, I have some good bases to continue on my own. Thank you for everything! Thanks to the career of Concept Art in FX Barcelona Film School to make this possible.

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