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Ludovic  LOUREIRO - Animator

Ludovic LOUREIRO - Animator

by ludovicLOUREIRO on 28 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

I am proud to show you the projects I have worked on this year. This year has allowed me to learn more than ever in this field. I hope you will enjoy my work as much as I enjoyed creating it.

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"DRAGON PROJECT" - Group Project

I am proud to have been able to take part in this project as an animator.
This project took us a few months to complete while working outside of classes. Many thanks to Axel Revidon, Arthur Justeau, Clément Daures, and Hugo Gerard for their contributions.




It is a project where I had to animate a dragon. I encountered many challenges, such as achieving an animation that is both realistic and highly organic. This was one of my first creature animations, involving many micro details and micro animations that make the animation more lifelike.

The saliva was created in Houdini using Vellum Grain.

"SPIDER-MAN" - Animation Project

BREAKDOWNS - Spider-man

For this project, I worked on all aspects except the rig. Thanks to this project, I was able to start 2D animation for the first time using OpenToonz. It was also my first time animating in twos, which was a valuable experience. I learned a lot about body physics and, most importantly, how to create appealing silhouettes to make the animation smoother.

"DRAGON" - Animation Project


This project is the first creature animation I have done. I encountered many difficulties; at first, it was quite challenging to understand the rig and bring the creature to life. Adding weight and conveying a sense of strength was also a challenge, but I am happy with the result.

Thank you !

Thank you for taking the time to get this far. I'm still a novice in the field of animation and I'm aware that I still have much to learn. Therefore, the goal for the coming months is to improve myself, work hard, and undertake even more ambitious projects.

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