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CONCEPT ART Mundus / Phuisy

CONCEPT ART Mundus / Phuisy

Contreras Lucas
by LucasContreras on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello everyone! My name is Lucas, I’m 23, and I’m just about to finish my studies at Brassart. I love concept art, especially environment, level design, character, and props! In this post, I’ll showcase my graduation project. I hope you enjoy it and that it transports you

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Mundus is a fantasy world inspired by European and Central Asian cultures, enriched with ancient myths and beliefs. To represent the temporality and technological advancement, we are set in the year 1200 after the construction of Elsad, the most advanced city. Comparatively, we will refer to the Iron Age. This “land” is similar to ours, from the weather to the functioning of days and seasons.

In comparison, everything seems more epic immense forests, ravines with no visible bottom, mountains where we can touch the clouds, and epic creatures scattered across the land and oceans. Although magic is not extremely prevalent, this world is sprinkled with it.

Ancient gods are said to be sealed, and new ones occupy the skies at least, that’s what the legends say. From this universe, I will create stories and visuals to feed concept art and visual development boards that could later be used in the video game and film industries.

                             "World map based on the representation of the city of Elsad"

                                                                 “Gate of the city of Elsad”

                                           Several explorations of Elsad and its surroundings 


The senate council meets several times a week to discuss the issues facing the city. The council members then write a summary and report on their respective areas of expertise.

This is the highest political institution of the city. Each member has been elected by the people and is required to fulfill their role.

Atoch, a member of the senate and responsible for the city’s trade exchanges and external agreements, ensures that nothing enters or leaves without his knowledge. His confidence, mischievous demeanor, and tendency to always play with fire have earned him a bad reputation among the rest of the city. He is accused of being responsible for the entry of certain illegal products into the city. Despite this, he remains a respected and admired member of the senate. He has neither a wife nor a family and devotes himself to the city and his obsessive love for cats.
Aras, the dean of the senate and guardian of the great library of Elsad, possesses boundless knowledge, equal to his wisdom and kindness. Appreciated by all his people, he is an important and the oldest member of the senate. He fights against injustices and teaches at the Elsad academy. He is undoubtedly the person who knows the city’s history and its secrets best. His red cape was given to him as a token of his seniority, and he is the only one who possesses such a cape.

                                                                       “Senate Meeting”

His story presents an ancient sealed god, a god of mercy. To seal him, he would inscribe his expressions of sadness on each of the faces. The concept, with its multiple expressions of Indian culture, allows for numerous mechanics and serves as a great source of mystery. During the production of the visuals, I sought to address the challenges of level design and provide a solution in the field of video games.
The design and imagination around the video game have managed to combine coherence and gameplay. Playing with the design of the branches as well as the hostile aspect of the environment to create a “fun” and playable concept was the foundation on which I based everything. Small statues hidden in this huge forest, once activated, reveal the exit blocked by thorns. The hero will also have to pass jumping challenges because the thorns and pits are common in this twisted vegetation.

Lost People

Living in extremely remote places, such locations are accessible only to themselves. Despite the myths about this people, they have a culture and customs much closer to other peoples, unlike those who only advocate for nature as mother. As a result, they limit themselves to rudimentary objects and habitats. For this part, inspiration is drawn from the people of Laos with their culture of using rudimentary materials to design their homes and tools.

                                                                     Thanks for your time!

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