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Hector GOUBERT - Character Design

Hector GOUBERT - Character Design

Hector Goubert
by Siturba on 28 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello ! My Name is Hector Goubert. I'm graduating from ECV Game Paris as a Character Designer but also an Illustrator. I'm excited to share my work. I hope you'll enjoy !

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Here's my longtime personnal project: Godly Shards.

It's a univers i'm building and writing by illustrating multiple characters. Each character has a short story (which are posted on my Instagram).

The actual chapter takes place in an Underground desert, where lives multiple Lizard Tribes. 

   Monroe Manor

Here are the characters for a Survival Horror Puzzle Game i worked on with Bartélémy Dereux & Xin Chang.
It project was a Pre-Production project; so only the concepts were made. 

You play Marianna: an Urbexer trying to do a documentary on rumours about a secret underground laboratory. Sadly: everything goes wrong when you find out the lab really exists, and is inhabitated by human subjects transformed into Ghost-like monsters.


Celerity is a Multiplayer Hero-Shooter game where 4 players would fight 4 other players in a Highly Popular Combat Sport.

It was the final group project of my graduation year. It was made by Matthieu Blot, Bartélémy Dereux, Maxence Giraud, Gwenn Millere, Gabriel Vilalta, Yi Yang and of course myself.

I mainly worked on Animations, but i also designed the fourth character: Tammy.

  Thank you for your watching !

I hope you enjoyed my work !

Here is my Artstation; more work is coming !

Here is my pro contact for any question: [email protected]

And thousands of thanks to Laura Pham Van Cangour teacher, for everything she did, and of course to Charlotte Lebreton for all her precious advices :D

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