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by AlejoMendoza on 28 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Gunmega is a 3rd person arcade shooter inspired by the PS2 game Gungrave.

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Gunmega is a 3rd person arcade style shooter inspired by the PS2 game Gungrave.

It features tank controls, a gunkata mode when you stop moving to quickly shoot everything in front of you and also increasing your rotation speed, a regenerating shield that comes back over time, a 4 way directional dodge that allows you to keep shooting while evading shots. You also have access to a powerful melee attack that can reflect enemy rockets back to them.

There's also a combo system that goes up for every shot you land on an enemy or one of the destructible objects around the level. Raising the combo would feed into a meter, when full you'd get access to special shots (unfortunately I ran out of time to animate them and could only implement a placeholder but most of the system is functional).

Enemies also drop orbs when killed that will fill both your shield and your health, prioritizing missing health over the shield.

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