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The Apprentice

The Apprentice

Klara Jakobsen
by WinterFox on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

The Apprentice is my personal worldbuilding project, in which I am creating characters, environments, as well as accompanying texts and maps. I am also creating a timeline of events as they unfold. The setting and story is inspired by the histories and aesthetics of the medieval and renaissance time-period.

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Florent is one of three major regions in the continent of Aneshii.

Being a well-positioned mid-point for many trading-routes, Florent has become rich from its trade. Despite the diversity of the travelers and the traders, there is a stark hierarchy in place, clearly demonstrated in the very physical separation of the wealthy, the poor, and those in-between, in the form of its infrastructure.

Above all else, Florent is the home of the White Church, one of the most influential seats in Aneshii. Although Florent is officially ruled by a royal family, there is a common understanding that the White Church holds the final say. 

The Royal Scriptorium is one of two libraries in the royal castle. 
The smaller of the two, the scriptorium holds the histories of the realm, and is supervised by the royal scriptorians and scholars, who keep the documents safe and up to date.

Jocelyne had recently returned to the Florent castle, after a long and strenuous journey across the continent. She had always had a more fragile disposition compared to her brothers, but during her travels she had become further weakened, no longer being able to walk on her own.

Jocelyne was, according to the written family-trees, the oldest of the three children of Michaelus Micheleton. Her name and titles were, however, written in fresher ink.

This is the religious center of the Florent kingdom: The White Garden. 

Besides being a religious center, the White Garden also possesses a cabinet of councellors. This cabinet is lead by the Patriarch, who is their earthly representative of the faith. 

The White church's influence and religion has spread across the continent to many kingdoms. Even beyond, over the green seas. Many sovereigns follow their decrees and rely on their approval of important decisions. Matters of state, alliances, marriages, declarations of war and so on, are usually filtered through their council.

The church cultivates a special honey as part of their practise. The honey comes from a unique, pale moth. It is commonplace for aspiring priests to pilgrimage to the White Church to taste said honey in a sacred ritual. It is said to help connect them to their faith, although at a cost.

The white moth cannot be found anywhere but in the White Gardens anymore, and so the place is sacred and heavily guarded. The gardens are only accessible to priests of the highest authority, or their apprentices.

The Florent brothers had never seen their mother. All portraits of her had been taken down while they were still children. But it was clear that they had each inherited very different traits.

It was said that
 Mattheus, the eldest son, was the spitting image of their Mother in all ways but one; where people would talk of the late queen's gentle nature and kindness towards her subjects, Mattheus seemed deeply uninterested in any such things. 
Although he was neither ill-tempered nor particularly cruel, his courtesies seemed to stem more from a sense of duty than the kindness of his heart. 

As much as Mattheus looked like their mother, it was obvious that Kesare took after their father, in looks as well as nature. In stark contrast to his brother, he had inherited his father's hot blood and unpredictable nature. His father was a great strategist and had a political edge, which had somehow materialized itself in Kesare in the form of a natural talent for combat and warfare.

He proved to be a valuable part of the Micheleton household. His skills, unfortunately, gave way to a cacophony of selfish behaviors, grandiose notions, and hubris that none could seem to extinguish.

Serghum was the youngest royal apprentice to finish his studies at the Sept of Light. Young and full of life, he was eager to prove himself.

During his time at the Sept of Light, he would oft complain about the other students, rarely noticing the reasons for their concerns or envy. For most people, it had been a hard journey to even enter the Sept. Serghum had hardly broken a sweat graduating.

The Herbalist Quarters are the home of Serghum Rovia, the royal herbalist.

The Herbalist Quarters used to be in a much more grandiose room, but since Jocelyne Micheleton returned from her travels, it was vital that the herbalist was in Jocelyne's close vicinity. She would often faint or have fits, which required immediate attention. And so, the rooms were moved to accommodate this need.

It is a small room with only the bare necessities, the rest of which were moved either to the gardens or into cold-storage, to ensure the freshness of the herbs, potions, poultices and powders used to treat any and all ailments of the Florent nobility.

Ein was not a man of many words. The few he had were reserved for Kesare. Although Kesare was often seen without Ein, Ein was never seen without Kesare. For the few who had the privilege to notice such things and live, he became known as "Kesare's Shadow."

The Florent castle was vast, spanning many floors. 

The ground floors were easy to find your way through; there were the rooms reserved for the servants, then came the social rooms; tearooms, ballrooms, and so on, along with the rooms of the Micheleton brothers.

The royal family had their floors one floor above, along with the rooms most relevant for the daily rule and upkeep.

Beyond that, it became hard to navigate. The further up you went, the more strangely compositioned the rooms and corridors became. Some said servants had been lost in the corridors never to return, although these were mostly considered idle rumors and exaggerations. 

The upper floors were commonly reserved for the specialists. It was considered a high honor to be offered a place there, but it also took a long time to traverse the many steps.

Leopold was the assistant historian of the castle. Having never been picked as a potential royal scholar, he had to settle for a lesser role, doing the more tedious and menial tasks. There was no doubt that he had hoped for something greater in life. Even so, he found pleasure in his tasks, relishing the quiet moments when he was allowed to immerse himself in the histories and the legends.

The War Room is mostly Kesare’s territory, being the general of the White Armies. It is here he most commonly strategizes with the Scholar of War, his Knighted Generals, along with other trusted advisors. 

The Scholars Abode is the home and study of the royal scholars and their apprentices.

The bigger house is for the royal scholars. They are the custodians of the royal libraries, responsible for researching sciences, engineering, astrology, among many other things. The apprentices live in the smaller house, and are responsible for the more menial, daily tasks.

Most importantly, the apprentices assist the scholars in experiments and research. Some will stay on as assistants only, but a lucky few will have a specialty picked for them. Those lucky few will have to pilgrimmage to the Sept of Light; the center of studies, research and knowledge. 
They will stay there until they have mastered their specialty. Only then will they return.  

Once returned, they will be an understudy of the scholar with whom they share their specialty. They will work together until the senior scholar decides that they are ready to take over completely.

Although well-regarded by nobles and commonfolk alike, the Scholars Abode is humble and simple, comfortable and cozy. A place of respite and research in equal parts.

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