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Other universes

Other universes

Amelia Gay Min
by uhmolio on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Would we be together in other universes? Facing that question, 2 people contemplate their lives and all the others that might exist.

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'Other universes' is an experimental mixed-media student film conceptualised and created by Amelia Gay as part of her 3-month solo final year project in the Diploma of Animation and Visual Effects in Nanyang Polytechnic.

Director, Producer, Concept Artist, Modeler, Animator, Texture artist, Compositor, Props artist, Sound artist, Video editor, Voice of Mimi:

Amelia Gay

Voice of Star, Videographer, Props artist: Christa Poh

Music: Snowfall by Adi Goldstein

Additional props artist: Leanne Gay

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