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FX Demoreel - Romain CZYSZ

FX Demoreel - Romain CZYSZ

Romain Czysz
by intrlude on 28 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Here's my FX-focused demoreel, I took advantage of this year to improve my Houdini skills while retaining my 3D skills so as to best integrate my FX into finished plans. I hope you enjoy my work!

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The aim of this first shot was to take an interest in the Axiom solver on houdini, to understand how it works, as well as to understand how to optimize a large-scale simulation of this type. It was also my first time rendering on Karma/Solaris, so I learned a lot about this project!

This project was a way for me to familiarize myself with water simulation on Houdini, as well as how whitewater simulation works. This shot was rendered on redshift, made before I learned Karma, so I wasn't able to use Houdini's water shader, and unfortunately you can feel it a bit. I also learned a lot about grooming, and took the opportunity to make a little HDA of procedural moss!

This meteorite project was a way for me to learn how camera mapping works with Nuke, and how it can save me working time on certain shots. In this case, it means I don't have to model the whole environment!

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