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William Lee | Art of Storytelling with Light

William Lee | Art of Storytelling with Light

by WilliamLee on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

After almost half through the BFA program at Gnomon, I've been obsessed with how light and color tell a story. Here are some of my favorite works. Enjoy!

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"Lumampah ing Laras" 

Flowing in harmony

Shoutout to my high school teacher for the title translation. This title is given to this art piece I made in Texturing & Shading 2 class at Gnomon. This piece showcases what I think is one of the most beautiful instruments called Rebab, particularly Javanese Rebab, from Indonesia.

As an Indonesian myself, I find it amazing how rich the cultures are, followed by all the forms of art that come with it. I felt the need to make a piece that shows the beauty of one of those cultures when deciding on what to make for this class's finals. I'm not Javanese myself, and it was unexpectedly intimidating when trying to represent something that I'm not so familiar with. 

Nonetheless, I took the challenge and did a lot of research about the hero instrument, the Rebab, and the background instruments which are called Kendang. 


I was responsible for everything except for the pictures on the wall.

Now Let the Lights Take Over!

Here are some of the pieces where I focus more on lighting and colors.
All made for Lighting & Rendering 2 class at Gnomon.

Lost in Space

I want to show the feeling of loneliness but not from the bad side, which is why I decided to give more warmth in the color. The sun showing up symbolizes hope, which I think helps push the story more to the way I wanted it to. 

The layout is also as important as anything else in this piece. I always made sure the shape language of everything read well. The organicness of the earth with its round shape, with the line leading to the focal point, the lonely robot. At the bottom, I put in those chairs to show a little bit of chaoticness. lastly, everything is contained with these 2 blocky, rectangular shape at the sides.

We Drive at Dusk!

This was my first time lighting an outdoor city scene, and I never thought about how many lights there were, and things were way more complex than I thought it was. 

I had to put a lot of invisible lights to punch the lights even more, and give more clarity to the scene. 


Assets for the lighting projects were provided by the instructor and also taken from kitbash3d.

I post most of my projects on Instagram!

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