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Ysé Bastijns - Concept  Art 23-24

Ysé Bastijns - Concept Art 23-24

Ysé Bastijns
by ysebastijns on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello, my name is Ysé and I'm a student at Howest University - Digital Arts & Entertainment. I'm excited to show my work!

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Nyariwa, The Necroflame of  Vampires

I made this for my Character Design course, where we had to design a vampire bust based on our own portrait. 


Another project for my Character Design course. 

This time we had to design a full body character in the style of Sergi Brosa for a post apocalyptic nomad lands style game or animation. Your character had to have certain characteristics which were given in the beginning. Basically, I had to design a badass old Alaska Native lady who loves teddy bears and has multiple charges for fast assault.

The Ecologist

This was made for my Stylized Design course.

For this assignment we had to design an environment, 3 assets and a non-human character that is dedicated to healing a damaged environment, while surviving and rebuilding society. The character is making an effort in a world were pollution got out of hand and resulted in a big decimation of the remaining population. How you interpret this was entirely up to us!

So what could be more fun than a flea selling secondhand stuff at... a flea marketMeet Mr. Fleabag!

Miss Eco's Equipment 

Another fun assignment for Stylised Design.

I designed five assets belonging to a scientific explorer that does everything she can to protect what little is left of Mother Nature, which is why she goes on a lot of expeditions to find and preserve any greenery she can find.

The Tower

Our goal for this assignment was to focus on the compositions, light and colors, and of course the tower itself.

BEYOND SIGHTS - The Blind Guide

This is a personal project I did in two days. I challenged myself to make something in a short amount of time.

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