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The "Adidas" Shower Gel Animation

The "Adidas" Shower Gel Animation

by jmalibangar on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

This animation show how a Adidas "Shower Gel" became dirty as the animation progresses, it's a timelapse. I explain how i work in this project in details. Enjoy!!!

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Hello, so i'm gonna show you how i made this animation project with the shower gel with a propagation (= the shower gel became dirty as the animation progresses) in the object ! If you want to see the animation, he is available on youtube! 

To start, for this project! Obviously i had to choose a object for this big project. And with all of awesome objects with very cool design and beautiful shapes that i could choose for this project. I just choose a shower gel (WHAT???????)

yes, yes, yes, a random shower gel! (but why you gonna ask me???!) 

In fact, the reality is that i wanted since a long time worked in this shower gel. To be more clear, i have start to work on this project in february 2024 but the picture which you see are been take in begin 2023.

So yeah i have always want to work on this shower gel since a moment. In begin, in 2023, i choose this object just to use my 3D skills to make a 3D realistic version of this shower gel. But with the time, i wanted to be more ambitious about this little shower gel. I wanted to show this shower gel with a context, a FOOTBALL CONTEXT!!!!

it's one of my references pictures for this project. Because yes, i start this project with a lot of research (=collecting images). And with all i have found, i make a preproduction file (=very important this step for me because i have a guide during all of this project. which is good ^^)

(yes, it's a french pre-production) 

After that, i start to modeling all assets i need for this project. 

It's funny because this shower gel isn't really a "random" shower gel, but a ADIDASS shower gel. Yes this precision is important because these kind of shower gels have some specific details and complex shapes. So they are not very simple to modelise, this shower gel was like a little challenge for me. Here's the result !

I have also modelise a balloon! i have only use this model for the intro which you have probably see if you have seen the animation earlier...

For this balloon, i wanted to make sewing the balloon with rings. But the first version is kind of....

/!\ PROBABLY DANGEROUS FOR FOOTBALLERS FEETS /!\  (Oh man what is that?? why this balloon have piercings!!!?)

I don't know why i made rings who looks like piercing. So after that, i rework the stitching and the result (=the final version you have seen before this last image) is more better...

Next, it was the time to modelise the decor (= the stadium) and it was so DIFFICULT TO ME!!! 

And the worst is that i was probably waste too much time for this stadium. It's a deception for me because this stadium was too big for this little shower gel. Also i'm not very satisfied of this stadium, visually he wasn't very clean, especially compared with the shower gel complexity. So i made the choice to not show this stadium in the final animation. 

After that, i start to shade thoses objects. First, i have made two shadings versions of my shower gel (a clean version and a dirty version) to make the transitions beetween thoses two versions. For the propagation, I use Nuke to make transitions with RoloffContrast and noise. Here's the result...

the animation step was pretty simple because i put my object on my envrironnement (the stadium ground with some lamps) and i start to make some cameras moves. And all that are inspired by a storyboard that i made before animations.

the most difficult thing which i have to made is the grass simulation. I use two maya simulation systems : XGEN and MASH. Xgen is my first idea to made grass, but the result wasn't so satisfaying cause of the grass quality. I give up with Xgen and start use the MASH with a own grass mondelisation and the result is better...

After renders all shots, here's the compositing and postprocessing step. Like the animation, it was simple because my scene doesn't have complexity, it's a simple scene with a ground, lamp and a shower gel (if we erase the ugly decor obviously ^^). I add some glint effect for the BG (background) and a kind of blur (zdefocus) for some moments of this sequence. 

And to conclude, i put a music, with some audio effects with crown and screams people to make this sound like a stadium (funny because it's just a shower gel...) So i'm happy of the result, he took me 4 BIG MONTHS to achieve this! But the result is very satisfaying! (look like a adidas ad!)

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