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by Shannon15 on 27 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Color is illegal in Nocshire. Lady Monochrome mistaken the creatures as threats to people when Goliath( Now Theodosia’s pet) took Theodosia away from danger when she was younger. Lady thought her daughter died because of Goliath. = Color was banned.

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Color is illegal in Nocshire

Lady Monochrome mistaken the creatures as threats to people when Goliath( Now Theodosia’s pet) took Theodosia away from danger when she was younger. Lady thought her daughter died because of Goliath. = Color was banned.

Theodosia - Daughter of Lady Monochrome

Years ago, an incident took place and Theodosia was never to be seen in the Land of Nochsire again. She was saved by an unknown coloured creature and has been living with it, outside the walls of Nocshire where colour lives and breathes.

What A Joy_KeyArt

After a long day, Ebon (protagonist) celebrates a small victory with Ace (main coloured creature) on the rooftop. Ebon then discovered Ace’s newfound ability as the sun sets. They are both seen having a blast!

Into Your Arms_KeyArt

After years of separation, Lady Monochrome finally reunites with her long-lost daughter in the woods after the destruction of the palace. They can be seen embracing each other while being surrounded by colours. 

Solace Springs

A place where one travels to seek for internal healing and solace. The blooming of the flowers indicate growth and the color blue for calmness.

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