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Candy Metroidvania & Other Game Development Projects

Candy Metroidvania & Other Game Development Projects

Samara Kelly
by SamKelly on 28 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

A collection of my Game Development projects and other misc work from the past year, including my solo development project on a candy themed souls-like metroidvania!

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Sam Kelly - 2024 Game Art & Development

🍭Project 1 - Candy Metroidvania 🍭

My current solo development project in the Unity game engine! As well as the usual game development tools, I'm using a combination of hand drawn pixel art, a 3D>Pixel art pipeline and unity's built in shader graph to produce some fun visuals for my candy-themed souls-like metroidvania!

Early Development - 2023

I first started this project in the second half of 2023. I hadn't quite ironed the kinks out of my workflow or figured out the style I wanted to work with, but those first 6 months development helped me build a great base I could build on in 2024! This was also my first major project in the Unity game engine, and getting a feel for the art>unity workflow was fantastic!

Project 2 - Book of Fairies Unity Mockup

As first and foremost an artist, not a programmer, I wanted to take a step back from pure game development and just focus on creating art I could us in-engine. This project also served as an avenue for me to do some studies of Supergiant's art style from their game Hades.

This assets for this project were created across Photoshop and Blender and assembled in Unity!

 This project uses a page-turning asset from the unity asset store ( for a simple book effect! 

Other Misc Work

Other work from 2023, game related and just general works!

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