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Lighting - Compositing Portfolio

Lighting - Compositing Portfolio

Arthur Justeau
by arthurJusteau on 29 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi everyone! After two years of studying 3D, I am proud to share with you my three standout projects of this year. Each project reflects my passion, my growth, and the skills I have acquired, with a particular focus on lighting, the field I wish to specialize in. These projects are the result of many hours of hard work

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Dragon Project

This project is the result of a collaboration. We dedicated our free time outside of classes to complete it, and we are very proud to present it to you.

Axel Revidon handled the modeling, environment, texturing, and look development. The animation was done by Ludovic Loureiro, while Clement Daures took care of the rigging.

As for me, I was responsible for the lighting and compositing of the three shots. So, I will be presenting breakdowns of these three shots and some of the work stages!

Breakdown Lighting/Compositing :

Lighting Setup:

For the lighting of shot 1, I positioned the main light (Key Light) to simulate sunlight through the clouds. I then added fill lights to illuminate the shadow areas without overwhelming the details. Finally, I used bounce lights to light the underside of the dragon with a slightly bluish light, adding depth and realism to the scene.

For the lighting of shots 2 and 3, I positioned the main light behind the dragon to create a dramatic backlighting effect, highlighting its silhouette. I added rim lights around the edges of the dragon to help it stand out visually from the tower. Fill lights were placed in front of the dragon to subtly illuminate the shadowed areas without diminishing the backlight effect, while bounce lights were used underneath the dragon to light up its underside. Finally, I adjusted the contrast between the dragon and the tower to keep the dragon as the focal point while maintaining the visibility of the tower.

3- Compositing:

For the compositing of my 3D sequence, I start by importing and organizing the different render passes into Nuke, structuring the project for efficient manipulation. I then combine the basic passes (diffuse, specular), separated by light, to obtain the initial image, adjusting the lights and shadows to enhance depth and realism using grade and curves. I add atmospheric effects such as cloud layers and fog to accentuate the direction of the light. I adjust the overall colors and apply a final grading to harmonize the atmosphere and give a cinematic touch. I finish with fine details like motion blur, depth of field, lens distortion, chromatic aberration, and grain to ensure consistency and smooth integration of all elements. I used slightly different compositing templates for shots 2 and 3.

T-Rex Integration

For this project, I handled the lighting and compositing to integrate a T-Rex created by my friend Carl Frouin into two famous movie scenes: one from The Lion King and the other from Jurassic World Dominion. My goal was to realistically integrate the T-Rex into these environments while aiming to replicate the original lighting as closely as possible.

The Lion King Shot

The key light in the image comes from the left, slightly behind the lion, creating distinct shadows on its right side. The light is diffuse, typical of a cloudy sky, giving a dark and dramatic ambiance. The color temperature is cool, with dominant bluish tones, corresponding to a late evening or night scene under a cloudy sky, producing soft shadows and cool highlights. The contrast is moderate, with smooth transitions between lit and shadowed areas, and the light intensity is low.

Jurassic World Dominion Shot

The light comes from the left, slightly above, illuminating the left side of the dinosaur and casting shadows on its right side. It is diffuse but strong enough for the key, suggesting light filtered through the dense foliage of the forest. The color temperature is cool, with bluish and greenish hues, corresponding to a dense forest. The shadows are soft but well-defined for the key, with moderate contrast and smooth transitions between the lit and shaded areas. The light intensity is sufficient to highlight the textures of the dinosaur's skin.

Luthier's Workshop

A luthier whose reputation was growing received a commission from a renowned violinist to repair a Stradivarius violin. He manages to restore the instrument to its former beauty. Once the work is completed, he contemplates his masterpiece.

The light in this image comes primarily from the windows in the background, positioned high up. I aimed to create a warm and realistic atmosphere in the luthier's workshop. The natural daylight entering through the windows is from late morning or early afternoon. The light intensely illuminates the left side of the violin and other objects, while the right side remains more shaded. The color temperature is slightly warm. The shadows are soft and well-defined in certain areas, balancing the lit and shaded zones to highlight the details and textures without creating any glaring reflections. Overall, the light is used effectively to create a realistic and pleasant atmosphere.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my contest. I hope you found the information interesting and useful. Your support and interest are greatly appreciated. Please feel free to share your comments or ask any questions you may have. Thank you again for reading!

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