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Butterfly (Pipevine Swallowtail) & 2024 Projects

Butterfly (Pipevine Swallowtail) & 2024 Projects

by isamalli on 30 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

A compilation of projects for school. The butterfly project was a project continued further with a short animation landing on a ruby spice flower.

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Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly

Butterfly Animation

This is a short animation of the butterfly flying and then landing on a Ruby Spice flower. In the breakdown video: final render composited in Nuke, the ambient occlusion layer, & the rig in MAYA.

Shot 1

Shot of the butterfly landing on the flower. The final composited render in Nuke, the raw beauty render from Maya, ambient occlusion, albedo, direct diffuse, direct specular, & subsurface scattering renders.

Shot 2 - Close Up

A close up shot of the chitin found on the butterfly's wings & hair on the thorax created using Xgen in MAYA. Below are the beauty, direct diffuse, direct specular, and normal passes.

The process of creating the butterfly

Understanding the butterfly's textures on the wing, the chitin's reaction to sunlight, & the anatomy

Sculpt from Mudbox & sculpt topology

UVs of the wings, thorax, & abdomen

Texturing in 3D Substance Painter & Photoshop

Shading network of the butterfly in MAYA

Nuke Butterfly Script

Lookdev Turn

Loop Project - Bullet Train

The Loop project was a school project with this robot character walking on a loop through many different environments individually designed by other artists. The environment I designed for the character to walk through was heavily inspired by the film Bullet Train. The props include the Fiji water bottle, the Momomon glasses, Momomon stuffed head, the screens with the map of the NSL train route, & the train car is partially destroyed as a reference to the train crash towards the end of the film. This project was good practice to better familiarize myself with the pipeline involving animation, pre-production, production, render layers, and post-production workflows.

Loop animation: final composited render, raw render, & wireframe render

Loop shot breakdown: albedo, direct diffuse, raw render, raw render with volume, final composited render. Wireframe + ambient occlusion.

Luma script & lighting reference

Environment lighting tests in MAYA

Salsa Bar

School Project - The objective was to create an image of a bar and become familiar with the basic pipeline structure: pre-production, production, post-production. The goal was also to practice realistic texturing, shading, lighting, and modelling in a scene. 

The concept art for the bar, wireframe render, ambient occlusion, & final render from Pixar's Renderman with light compositing in Photoshop.

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