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Maximus Glegg - FX Reel

Maximus Glegg - FX Reel

Maximus glegg
by MaximusGlegg on 26 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi, my name is Maximus Glegg I'm a second year student studying 3D Animation & VFX at the University of Hertfordshire. Here is my FX Showreel & some breakdowns for the Rookie Awards 2024. I hope you enjoy it!

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This is my building explosion FX, I modelled the building in Maya then set up custom HDA's in Houdini to do the fracturing & constraints of the different sections. I learnt a lot about RBD and Pyro during this project as it was my first time trying it at this scale.

Here is the FX layers for DNEG's Live Brief which I completed as a personal project alongside my other assignments in second year. I really enjoyed compiling POP sims and Pyro to create a lot of the magic FX in this project.

This is a group short film project called 'Genesis' that I worked on for the end of second year, I really enjoyed working with my group to come up with this concept and create the film from the ground up. I was one of three FX artists on this project and was responsible for the liquid like creature FX seen throughout the whole film. Below is a video with a few shots of my un-comped FX isolated so its easy to tell what I did. I learnt a lot about procedural modelling using sim, during the duration of this assignment.

Here is my work for Random 42's Live Brief which I was set, we were tasked with creating a medical visualisation for Hepatitis B to show how it travels through your body. I am responsible for all elements of the project, from the procedural modelling, animation, lighting, texturing and comp so I learnt a lot about the USD pipeline in Houdini.

Finally here is the work I did for ETC's Live Brief, where I was tasked with rigging an open flower model and doing a sim of it closing and then opening up again. I learnt a lot about Kine FX, Vellum and Rigging.

I hope you enjoyed looking through my entry. I still have much to learn, but I am eager to further explore the world of FX in Houdini and push my next project even further. Thank you for your time!

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