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by saipratyakshepari on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

"Strings" is a poignant 2D vampire survivor RPG designed to evoke empathy by placing players in the shoes of a child facing emotional turmoil. As the protagonist navigates his imaginary world, the game explores themes of innocence, guilt, and the impact of domestic strife, offering escape.

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High Concept:

"Strings" is a heartfelt 2D vampire survivor game with a flavor of RPG that invites players to experience the world through the eyes of a young, innocent boy trying to escape the turmoil of his parents' constant fighting. Consumed by guilt, he believes he is the cause of their discord. Retreating to his room, he immerses himself in an imaginary world that he perceives as a perfect sanctuary from the surrounding tension. However, this joyful escape is soon marred by the manifestations of his real-world anxieties, which intrude upon his dreams as unwelcome entities.


The team that worked on the game.

Developers' Vision

Our goal with "Strings" is to create more than just a game; we aim to craft an experience that resonates with players on an emotional level. By portraying the child's perspective, we hope to foster empathy and provide insight into the often-unseen struggles faced by those affected by domestic issues. "Strings" is a testament to the power of imagination as a coping mechanism and a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit, even in its youngest form.

Mental Health Awareness

Highlighting Mental Health: Illustrate the impact of domestic conflict on a child's mental health, showcasing the importance of addressing and understanding these issues early on.

Understanding Childhood Impressionability: Demonstrate how children absorb and internalize their surroundings, emphasizing their impressionability and the lasting effects of their experiences.

Promoting Emotional Intelligence: Encourage players to develop empathy and emotional intelligence by navigating the protagonist’s emotional landscape and understanding his perspective.

Game Art

Development Process

The game is primarily being developed in Godot 4. The following are a few snippets from the code.

Game Showreel

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