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Visual development and concept art for animation by Nicolas Vega.

Visual development and concept art for animation by Nicolas Vega.

by Gagurum on 26 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Since the start of 2024 ive been focusing my efforts into imrpoving my digital painting for visual development in animation, please, take a look.

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Hello, I'm Nicolas Vega, thanks for checking my work, I'll be showcasing my progress as a story and visual development artist for animation, I've been busy focusing my efforts on improving my use of light, colour and composition for movie paintings.

Blue dot:

Dot, the blue... alien? finds themselves lost and alone in the woods. 
-Original idea illustration
-design variations
-2 story beats

Golden teeth:

2 mariachi bandits set themselves on a new mission full of violence and stupidity.
-character references
-2 story beats

individual paintings to practice colour, composition, story ideas and different lighting scenarios such as indoors or outdoors, day or night:

In each one of these i tried to focus on an interaction or story moment and setting the mood with colors. 

-an adventurer facinated by an impossible creature
-a reunion between dragon and caretaker
-knights face the forest monster at night

-A friendly creature re emerges into the sunlight
-Two rivals bond before the final showdown
-Character finds the lost city

-two robots find each other in the junkyard
-The hero comes back to save the city

-what was that?
-2 friends at a bar

Color script:

I started a color script project based on an animated action movie idea, in short, the character Medusa accidentally turns her partner into stone, and the only way of curing the curse is to reunite her sister to gaze at the victim at the same time, unfortunately, Medusa didn't leave her sisters in good terms. 

The script starts by showcasing Medusas signature cool green, we lose saturation after the incident according to medusas mental state, then we get colors back when she gets her first fight scene after years of retirement, we go deep in green as she makes her way through her sister's home.

The screen goes green when Medusa finally meets her sisters and the colors keep getting warmer and warmer as the confrontation progresses, finally we end the fight and cut to the cool blue woods where Medusas reverts the curse and the cool green from the begging comes back.

Script thumbnails:

I want to showcase another early script idea i used as practice for composition and story telling.

Our main character has to make a delivery, we see them meeting an old friends and getting new means of transportation.

suddenly losing the new means of transportation, getting to their destination, and finally discovering that they were just delivering food for the creature they faced earlier.

Animated shorts:

Stinky´s adventure:
heres some of the concept art i made for my youtube short about a silly little dog named Stinky:
-Character concepts
-Environment sketches

You can check the finished 3D animation here:

Lil frog:

And heres some of the concept art i made for my animated short about 2 frogs:
-Original idea illustration
-Main reference sheet

You can check the finished 3D animation here:

I think thats most of it for now, i wish to keep improving and creating stuff, thanks for checking my work, special mention to Zac Retz for the learning resources he shares and for inspiring me into focusing my efforts into visual development for feature film, hopefully you enjoyed looking at my work!

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