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From the Archipelago

From the Archipelago

Vanessa Elvina
by vanessaelvina on 27 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

From the Archipelago consist of two projects I've done during my last semester at college. As I have freedom to choose my own topics, I wanted to explore the culture of my home town country which is Indonesia.

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The Weaver

In the heart of the West Java rainforest, there was a family of spiders with the unique talent of knitting webs of desperation into a batik tapestry. They used their skill to help people confront and process their deepest emotions. However, when their future is threatened by the embodiment of desperation, they must harness the power of communal happiness to restore light to their world.

The Weaver is my IP project that was inspired by the Indonesian sentence "Merajut Asa" which means weaving dreams. I want to make a concept in which whenever people feel desperate or hopeless, they leave a string and they have to knit them back together to stop them from losing themself.

One Fine Day in a Tree House

One day when Kayla and Abi read a book in their favorite tree house, there is a giant peeking inside from the window. While Abi laughing at the book, Kayla notices a big shadow from behind. When she looked up, Kayla was surprised to see a giant smiling at the book.

Kayla, Abi, and Raksa the characters I created for this mini project are based on Indonesia's present timeline and traditional culture, especially Raksa because his design was inspired from Indonesia puppet show called Wayang Golek. In this project I try to practice to create one scene in 3 different light and mood settings.

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