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Concept art portfolio

Concept art portfolio

Anaïs Lavault
by AnaisLvlt on 30 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello ! I'm Anaïs, I am graduated from ESMA and I worked on the student short movie Vol 666 (Flight 666) Here are a bunch of personnal works I've done recently, hope you enjoy !

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Self Portrait

To start, here is a self portrait so that you can know me better !


An illustration based on the photography by Cenza Jacquest

Gummy bear

A chubby gummy bear I designed and colored to try new things in color work.


Here is a personal project I worked on, I wanted to create characters in a specific universe, so I chose the circus, as I could create a strong and a bit snooty Lion as the ringmaster, an anxious and funny elephant, and a childish and flexible monkey.

Thank you for scrolling !

My socials : 

Artstation :

Linkedin :ïs-lavault

Instagram :

Email : [email protected]

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