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Euphy - Lise Marin
by Euphy on 26 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello, I'm Lise a junior concept artist and illustrator, this year is a big milestone for me since I decided to launch myself in a freelance career. I studied 3D game art and 2D animation for 2 years and now I definitely want to get in video game industry !

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- Bourbon street -

It's a dystopian universe inspired by the early 20th century Louisiana, between Jazz high society and underground Voodoo cult. Let's meet the first 3 characters here : "Mambo", Jacob and Liam, both are part of the Voodoo district, the first half of the project.

This work is still in progress, since I'm gonna ask for reviews and feedbacks I allowed myself to post it early and feel free to edit or repost it afterwards. Since now, every notes next to iterations are made by myself for myself. I justified there most of the directions I took and trained my own critics.

S I L E N T   M O N K   O F   E C H O  E S

- Mountain top moanastery -

Here's my take on the New 3dge CA art test ! The Huangshan Mountains are a millennium-old sacred sanctuary that shelters a monastery of devoted monks. Strongly led by Buddhism and inspired by Tibetan culture, this universe gathers an environment focused on the monastery, a silent monk who conveys wisdom, and an ancient bell that has traversed ages and still is functional. For this project I dedicated 2 full weeks and used 3D blocking and texture simulation. This is a school art test that unfortunately didn't succeed but still it's a great piece in my book with which I'm still quite satisfied with.

F U T U R I S T I C    M Y T H S

- Ulysses | Scylla | Charybdis -

Project for school where I had to create science fiction /dystopia design from a myth. The greek Ulysses' myth, with two monsters (now mafia bosses), Charybdis and Scylla was really fun to play with.


D E V I L   R A Y

This one was made with the purpose to keep a track of my improvement, using a lot of new assignments I've been trying to understand during this past year.


- Modern Witch -

If I imagined isolated women as witches and the modern definition of them in today's society, modern witches, for me, are single mothers. Brave women who grieve for their husband, are abandoned, or divorced, carrying one or sometimes several children. Moved by past experiences, they create a home for themselves, ensure their children's education, and transmit their cultural heritage. It's a sort of magic in my eyes to bravely maintain a challenging life rhythm that can be socially isolating and hinder new potential relationships. The word "witch" still carries a negative connotation despite these beautiful acts of women who grow stronger through their maternal engagement and love.

- Mineral Avatar -

Second CDC in a row, I'm was so hyped for this one since I already did a charadesign based on a cinnabar stone. This theme was the perfect fit to go for an other concept with an Amethyst Avatar (with marble skin, opale hair and agate cloth)

- Side projects -

Left to right : Sailfish based charadesign, Art test for Dream plots Internship, Art to play contest Sun-Moon


- New Horizons - Solar punk - WAT contest -

The WeekAndArt contest was about creating an art piece (any support) within 1 week. The theme was SOLARPUNK, kind of a positive dystopia with environmental solutions and durability in technology.

- Frozen Rift -

Here's an environment focused piece I wanted to draw for a long time. I always been interested and moved by environment concept art but I didn't know where to begin when I get to start one. Whale shark was a great approach to keep me inspired and also initiated more consciousness about scale ratio. I still process to construct more and more my work, and can't wait to practice even more one my next projects.

- Quai de Seine, Bouquinistes -

Here's a new kind of work I tried, since I didn't have the opportunity to draw that much environment illustration so I challenged myself to do this one. I based my intentions on 2 pictures taken by my father, 20 years ago. He did photography for Parisian postal cards before and I kind of collaborated with him on this piece, as my customer and main reference. My colors approach is definitely different, I did few experiments and found art directions that I never used before. Fun exercise indeed.


- Psyllis' Legacy -

This artwork is inspired by an exhibition I've seen : "Eternal Mucha" in Paris. Mucha is obviously a strong reference in the illustrative and figurative art and even thought I already knew most of his pieces, this event hit me so strongly that I had to create something in the same esthetic with a character of mine

- Arcane Fan Art - (Left to right : Mel, Viktor, Jayce) -

The city of Piltover gave me a whole different vibe and aura and so are theses illustrations, since it's been 2 years I didn't draw arcane related drawing. I couldn't miss the opportunity to give it a fresh try and see what's improved with the graphic direction I'm working on.

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