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Cogs & Currents

Cogs & Currents

by OwenYeow on 28 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

A 3rd person steampunk puzzle game about Eon, a mechanic trekking through a labyrinth to find the culprit that sabotaged the mechanical pets he sold to his customers.

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Cogs & Currents

Wrench in the Works

Cogs & Currents is a 3rd-person puzzle game in the steampunk genre. Eon is a mechanic sent on a journey to investigate why the mechanical pets throughout the city have malfunctioned. By using Eon’s magnetic boots, traverse the labyrinth to solve puzzles and uncover the mystery behind it all.


The story of this game has gone through many iterations. It started with the character profile, player goal, game rules and challenges.

Game Pillars

Game Mechanics

Production Process

Character Design

Eon is a prodigious mechanic in Aquaforge and has successfully invented and sold many products to the robo-aquatic folk of the city. Chief among his proudest achievements are his mechanical pets, which are quite beloved among the citizens. Eon has a kind heart and loves to contribute back to the city where he grew up in and would do anything to make sure his customers are satisfied and happy.

Level Design During Prototype

3D Environment Modelling

2D Sidescroller map for Eon's warehouse and the Labyrinth.

UI Design

The UI in this game is quite minimal and most of them are used for instructions

3D Asset Pack

Best Images

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