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Randika Piyasena | Environment Artist | Rookie Awards 2024

Randika Piyasena | Environment Artist | Rookie Awards 2024

Randika Piyasena
by randikapiyasena on 28 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello everyone. I'm a self-taught Environment / Concept Artist. This is my submission for the Rookie Awards 2024. It contains a few of my personal projects with different concepts and environment setups. I hope you'll enjoy them. Thank you...

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[ 1 ]  Drizzly Metropolis

▪️ The scope of this project was to create a piece that highlighted the ambiance of rainy evenings within a busy urban setting. My goal was to represent diverse camera angles and environmental setups, capturing scenes through the lens of a street photographer. The objective was to convey the subtle emotions shown by various intensities of rain, ranging from heavy downpours to gentle showers, as well as during overcast conditions.

[ 1.1 ] Breakdown 

▪️ I used the "Tokyo Back Alleys" assets set from "Big Medium Small" and Daz Studio to build up characters. "Kitbash3D" assets for buildings, Maxon Cinema 4D to build the environments, OTOY Octane to render, and Quixel Megascans for materials and nature assets. Color grading and post-production were done using Adobe Photoshop. The breakdown reel was made using Adobe Premiere Pro.

▪️ I created custom decals for the police interceptor. I utilized node settings to achieve the final effects for the tram display boards and the windshield wiper traces.

[ 2 ] Tower Of Gluttony

▪️ "Inquisitors used to interrogate their valuable captives at the ancient Tower of Gluttony, which stood right on the coast in the kingdom of Altaria. The tower always appears more terrifying due to the foreboding atmosphere created by the mist."

[ 2.1 ] Breakdown

▪️ This project's scope was to study the realistic wave patterns using nodes and the effect of mood lighting and color grading used in movies. I used the "Medieval" assets set from "Big Medium Small" for characters and buildings. Cinema 4D to build the environments, Octane to render, and Quixel Megascans for materials and nature assets. Color grading and post-production were done using Adobe Photoshop.

[ 3 ] Autumn Mist

▪️ With this project, I wanted to capture the misty environments near the end of Autumn, as they appear in a movie. I attempted to make more realistic fog volumes, create realistic flowing water using node graphs, and experiment with different lighting methods to change the scene's mood.

[ 3.1 ] Breakdown

▪️ I used Cinema 4D to build the environments and Octane to render them. Materials and assets are from Quixel Megascans, Forester, and Max Tree. Color grading and post-production were done using Adobe Photoshop.

                                                          Thank you for watching..!!

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