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The Emo, The Scene queen, and The Security guard

The Emo, The Scene queen, and The Security guard

by harhar404 on 25 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

what would an emo and a scene queen who encounter a ghostly secuirity guard inside of an abandoned mall look like?

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For this project I had decided to create 2 charachter that would compliment a pre-made charachter. Here I am showing off the first character, this charachter is a teen who is into the emo subculture circa 2010-2020, due to this I was able to take inspiration from a big range of fashion trends, both from the emo subculture but also from more mainstream fasion. 

Since I wanted to create 2 charachters I decided to make one "ally" and one "rival" charachter.

I had decided that the "Ally" charchter would be a Scene queen inspired girl, since the emo and scene subculture are often confused and interchaged by people that are not in the subculture. Since "scene" is an actual subculture I was once gain able to draw lots of inspiration from the 2000's and 2010's 

for the "rival" charachter I had decided to make a ghostly security guard, since teens like hanging out in malls. due to this is explored some more steryotipical ghost silhoutes but also some human silhoutes, as steryotypicas shapes aren't always the best. 

I ended up choosing silhoute B for the ally, I refined the pose and gave it some clean line art. Then I moved onto the colour pallett. i created 7 different vereions with a variety of colour, hues, and intensities of colour. for these colours I once again was able to draw inpiration from the scene subculture and the colours and combinations that they used to wear. 

After picking a colour pallett I went on to render the charachter. During this I did some final tweeks to the pose to get the energy of the charachter just right. shown bellow is the final renedered scene queen charachter. 

For the sequirity guard I went through essentially the same process. I picked silhoute 3, and cleaned up the line art for this charachter. then I created 6 different colour pallettes, I tried to keep these pallettes quite simple and proffesional looking, as this charachter is wearing a uniform.

After picking colour pallett C, I went on to render the charachter. during this process I was able to really get this charachter to read more gholstly instead of just human.

Here is a final line up of all 3 charachters

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