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The World of Causality

The World of Causality

Alex Nakhleh
by alexnakhleh on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

A Mercenary Rises the Ranks of the Utopia They Serve, But It's Not As Ideal As It Seems.

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Hey, I'm Alex, a recent graduate from the College for Creative Studies.

I was a software developer who gradually transitioned into concept art. I'd like to show you what I've been working on for the past year. I hope you enjoy these two IP development projects as much as I enjoyed making them! :)

A Mercenary Rises the Ranks of the Utopia They Serve, But It's Not As Ideal As It Seems.

Niki The Mercenary

The unlikely mercenary, from the industrial outskirts of utopia. With a penchant for tinkering, she's created weapons from the spray cans she uses to paint graffiti when the authorities aren't looking.


This settlement was meant to be a technological marvel with a healthy dose of luxury. This drove the decision to have a flying city only accessible by flying vehicles where the rich enjoy lavish drinks and galas.

The Dark Underbelly

To maintain order, the Fuelhub Corporation rounds up those it merely suspects to be dissidents, and subjects them to torture. As the company prides itself in its technological prowess, it prefers surgical technique rather than the crude strong arm tactics of the past.

Refueling Hub

Fuelhub makes its money the way their name implies - selling fuel at one of several Refueling Hubs - towers in the sky accessible to their various flying ships. This one on the outskirts of Utopia is in it's final stages of construction.

The Hub's Clients

Most of the Hub's Clients are working-class merchants and industrial couriers on their way between the industrial factories and the Utopia. They mostly use cargo transports like the NordCorp NC-90 pictured below, reminiscent of small fishing boats and pickup trucks of old. It's simple construction allows for easy repair and customization.

A simple craft with a cockpit of one, owners expand them to carry more cargo.

The workers back in the industrial sector get around the vast areas on mechanized walking craft. Some supervisors have even built launchable drones into their craft, to keep a watch many places at once.

Fuelhub Executive Office

While those in the industrial sector work hard labor, Fuelhub's CEO sits in a luxurious office high above the sky, pondering his company's next moves. Countless deals have happened here but most have been kept off the books.

Executive Luxury Transport

After his long days in the office, the CEO flies off to one of many of his estates in a catamaran-inspired luxury craft. 

Danger On the Horizon

Yet all is not as stable as it seems. In a desolate area past Utopia, remnants of the long gone CAUSAL regime litter the barren landscape. The machines they once used as part of their brutal campaigns stand dormant, and threaten to reawaken at any moment...


A fighting game concept that emerged accidentally. After CAUSALITY, I wanted to make more lighthearted work. I found a design exercise: make a character based on 3 emojis!  I did it once, decided to do it again...  and soon had my cast!

And to finish it off, some splash art for fun!

Thanks for watching!

I've made a lot of sacrifices to put these two projects together, and I dearly enjoyed making them. It is somewhat bittersweet to put these projects to a close, but it just means opening the door for new things.

I've loved seeing what everyone has put together for this contest, and I can't wait to see more!



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