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Alex Chen - Entry Concept art 2024

Alex Chen - Entry Concept art 2024

by Farlyx on 29 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello ! My name is Alex, I'm 22, and currently self-taught artist. In this post I'll showcase some projects I've had the pleasure to work on. I hope it'll suit your taste !

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Gericho's loft

In a place that isn't affected neither by time nor space. A bar appearing when you need it the most, lost in life and your own doubts.
 Gericho's advice are always helpful, wether you're a pilot from another planet or a knight from the XVth century.

Grandeur Aurum

The vibrant megapole of Aurum, said to be the greatest achievement of humankind, which is creating a whole self sufficiant place for human to live outside of our earth. Every inhabitant firmly believe that it is the utopia they all aspired to build. But things seems too surreal, too beautiful..


A young boy whose goal is to become a full fledged pilot in order to explore freely the planet of Aurum. 

Full of confidence, cocky attitude, He doesn’t hesitate to show off his pilot skills when he has an opportunity.

Architecture design


In a port city where maritime trade rules, a sect called the Merciful Sun pulls the strings and eliminates anyone who gets in the way of the proper development of the city of Portschire.

Echo is the most efficient assassin of the Sun's mercy cult. She's silent, gloomy, and her empty gaze yet piercing eyes/silver hairs makes her difficult to approach, even for the members of her cult. Echo will resort to any tricheries if it means achieving her goals. Poison, hidden blade, traps, guns being her main weapons.

Handoro's eight labors

Handoro is a slave whose objective is to hunt down heretics of the solar cult. His herculean strenght made him one of the cult's main force. Folks have heard of his incredible labors, including the fierce battle against the Knight Crow

Monastery of the Frozen lotus

Nested on the zenith of a snow-capped mountain, this monastery is a harmonious blend of nature and human creation. Project done for the art test of New3dge Concept art

Prisoner of the golden lotus

The Monkey King has been crushed under Five Elements Mountain for a millennium as punishment for attempting to usurp the throne of heaven.

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