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My Portfolio for the Rookies Awards 2024

My Portfolio for the Rookies Awards 2024

by LoOn on 23 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello there, my name is Lucien Guérit and I'm studying art at Brassart, Nantes. This is the portfolio I build for three years now as an entry for the Rookies Awards 2024.

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For three years now, I’m studying concept art and illustration at Brassart, Nantes. I do specialize myself in charadesign but I also explore the world of environment design and illustration. Through those years I’ve experimented various styles and process and so I discovered I have a preference for a semi-realistic art style. But I still have one year left before I get my diploma to explore further.


It's a big challenge to come after professional artists and have the pride to try to do better. So I took up the challenge with humility.


I established three truly separate directions that could fit with Elena personality and backstory. Firstly, a minimalist and practical sportswear design witch would be suitable when practicing capoeira, her favored fighting style. Secondly, a more thrift shop inspired style that show her nature friendly personality. And finally, the third lead is an outfit that reminds her Kenyan roots with more modern interpretation than the one of her first design.

In parallel I’ve followed the same process to redesign Ken and Cammy. I imagined Ken retired with his family in the deepest forest of North America. Besides, I decide to return to the roots of Cammy primary inspiration with a actual punk design.


Afterwards, I took the sportswear design and bring it life in a illustration set up in Shibuya crossing. It's not a choice made lightly. Indeed, in the universe of Street Fighter, we know that Elena completed a semester abroad in Japan. Moreover, the pose she’s taking is inspired by capoeira choreography. The colorful set reflect the joyous personality of Elena, bringing smiles wherever she goes.

In addition...

I had the opportunity to learn about sculpting this character in Blender through the class. I consider integrating it in my process for future project, especially when designing the face of a character or non-human creature.


I don't draw enough props so I took this assignment seriously.

I’ve explored three lead represented by three different photography references. I stopped on the Kusarigama design inspired by the women above and rendered it further.

To go along with the weapon design I made a simple charadesign out of the reference picture by adding jewelry and clothes as well as stylizing her face.


Sun Wukong or the Monkey King is one of the most well-known figures of Chinese literature. I’ve explored four different periods of his life and develop one of them. I chose to depict the moment when he escapes from Laozi's eight-way trigram crucible.


The mission was to design characters from the novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson as anthropomorphic animal. As well, this assignment was the occasion to work with historical documentation to picture a credible world where those characters could live in through their clothes.


I had the opportunity to learn the basics of scene modeling in Blender through a four-days workshop. Afterwards, I used the modeling as a guide for some colors keys thumbnails.


The challenge was to illustrate a mountainous environment throughout the year.


The idea was to depict an artificial tower spreading its non-organic root and bringing death and despair all around its environment. I started by sketching some black and white thumbnails, some by painting over photography.


Some illustrations depicting various place in Nantes, France inspired by the art style of the Spider-verse movies.

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