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Coin Coin

Coin Coin

by LucileGr and solennlelaisant on 23 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Short film made during our final year at l'Ecole des Nouvelles Images Directed by Anouk Archambault, Amélie Frit, Lucile Grunder, Solenn Lelaisant, Jeanne Marotte Original music score by Jean-Victor Suzanne

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Coin coin is a short film that follows the story of Vanille the shy duck and her bubbly best friend Chocolat the rabbit, nothing could ever seperate them. Or so they thought  when one fateful day their friendship is broken by a mischievous cat, Vanille is ready to do anything to get her best friend back no matter the cost...

Our characters have a very cute chibby designs, we worked a lot back and forth between 2d and 3d to be as faithful as possible to the designs. 

We seperated the head for all characters and the wings of the duck to have as much movement as possible considering their proportions  and 60 or so facial expressions were sculpted per character and then rigged to achieve the cartoony style.

Our characters are fun and colorful and we wanted to keep the same spirit for the design of the environment and worked a lot on shapes and patterns for each asset we had to make.

The film is set in one day at the same location, having a color script was very important for us to keep track of the time passing and reflect that with the the lighting.

Here's a breakdown for our render process and 2d fx 

Directed by

Anouk Archambault: Character design, Storyboard, Rig, Animation, 2dfx

Amélie Frit: Rig, Animation, Editing

Lucile Grunder: Lookdev, Compositing, Lighting, Render

Solenn Lelaisant: Visual development, Modeling, Matte Painting, Sound 

Jeanne Marotte: Surfacing, Composting, Lighting, Render

Original music score by Jean-Victor Suzanne

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