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Synonymous of Tennis

Synonymous of Tennis

by Jingci on 25 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Fila, a century-old sports brand, has effectively leveraged tennis for marketing, making it central to the brand's identity since the 1970s.

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The reason I choose tennis as the keywords is because Fila became famous in the 1970s and 1980s through its stylish tennis apparel and endorsements by legendary players like Björn Borg. The Fila logo is also unique and famous for its bold, stylized "F" in red and blue, making it easily recognizable and a symbol of quality and fashion in sportswear.

In the past, when people talked about Fila, they often thought about tennis due to the brand's strong association with the sport and endorsement by legendary players like Björn Borg. So, Fila was almost synonymous with tennis.

This sketch inspired by tennis players, captures the lively and dynamic movement of the sport, reflecting Fila as a vibrant and energetic sports brand. It makes me think of tennis rackets as challenges that push Fila to improve and excel.

I used Fila's identity colors red, blue, and white to create a special interior design, combining them with contemporary materials like chrome and acrylic.

Most of the furniture is customized to follow the design concept. I positioned the new collection near the cashier so customers notice it while checking out, enhancing visibility. Additionally, the sofa area is centrally located among the shoe displays, making it convenient for customers to try on shoes and rest. In the center display area, I used transparent walls to attract customers and prevent the space from appearing narrow.

The flooring in the sofa area features a calming blue carpet, aimed at creating a relaxed atmosphere. In the center display area, a welcoming red carpet is used, aligning with Fila's identity colors of red, blue, and white throughout the interior design. This cohesive use of colors aims to enhance the overall aesthetic and customer experience in the space.

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