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The WereCleaner

The WereCleaner

by moosesabharwal on 22 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Kyle is a Janitor. He's also a Werewolf. And now he's got the night shift. Try not to kill anyone while working to get your paycheck - in a stealth-comedy game with surprises around every corner.

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Kyle is a Janitor. He's also a Werewolf. And now he's got the night shift. Try not to kill anyone while working to get your paycheck - in a stealth-comedy game with surprises around every corner.

You can play the game for FREE on Steam and iOS App Store, links found here

Welcome to Howlin' Hugs

The WereCleaner is a stealth-comedy game about cleaning messes and fighting your own instincts. Explore an ever-expanding office space and master an arsenal of gadgets to clean the office of messes, accidents... and the carnage of your own ongoing rampage.


- One unique and interconnected game world, filled with secret routes and handcrafted details

- A dynamic NPC system, with dozens of characters to avoid, trick or kill if needed

- 7 levels of wacky scenarios, shifting layouts, and hilarious surprises

- 3 multipurpose tools to dispose of every kind of mess - intentional or not


In making this game, we were a team of 34 students and I, Mason Sabharwal, was the director. We made this game over the course of a year after I was greenlit for a capstone project as a part of the University of Southern California Games Division's Advanced Games Project course. We were a team comprised of mostly USC students; however, we had 2 Otis college of Design students and 1 Fullerton University student. We were in preproduction for 3 months starting from May 2023 to August 2023 and went into full production starting September 2023, finishing in May 2024 and continuing live service to submit bug fixes for the community post launch.

The above images are some of our concept art for creating set dressing for rooms, messes, and our characters for both 3D models as well as 2D animated cutscenes in the game. The image slideshow is the progress of our 3D space over months of development, starting with simple walls, then greyboxing and a beautiful corner for set dressing, in-progress set dressing and UI, and finally the final iteration of our game. 

The video down below is the very first prototype that I created in order to pitch the game concept to our faculty and prove that the core concept of stealth, cleaning, and killing could work together in a full game.

Our Team List:

Mason Sabharwal, Charlie Heatherly, Levi Pinkert, Cameron Gomez, Abby Farhat, Harrison Roberts, Samuel Demers, Chloe Kwan, Amy Lu, Glenn Irish, Emma Leihe, Isabel Guan, Seung Han, William McCullen, Rod Dong, Angelamarie Ortez, Caroline Zhou, Shruti Bhat, Erin Atluri, Noah Hutchinson, John Ahearn, Eggsy Zhang, Nicole Leihe, Youngeun Kim, Nevaeh Li, Phoebe Zheng, Cerulean Rivera-Goldman, Austin Fuad, Karina Takayama, Cenzo Collins

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