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Reality Bending

Reality Bending

Silvia Pelejero García
by navilacus on 20 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Rehtse wakes up in limbo confused, without memories. Out of curiosity he begins to explore the labyrinth of the abyss. Suddenly a voice whispers ‘Follow the signs’.

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REALITY BENDING : Development of the integrated 3D project

The game is based on an alternate reality where good and evil will be mixed, both will send signals, but what is the truth?

Our main character Rehtse after his death is trapped in limbo where secrets and mysteries await him in search of his memories, something essential for eternal rest. The guardians of the death pit will subject him to tests until he gets his last memory. 


He is the embodiment of a past life that remembers none of its tragedies. His past is dark and he tries to change who he once was.


The game begins with the Limbo labyrinth, immense and full of signs and the approach to the tests. Following this, there are three tests of agility, strategy and intuition. At the end a quiz to show who you really are.

The main mechanics are jumping, pushing and dragging objects and interacting with objects (Raycast).

There are 3 tests:

Wind Parkour, try not to fall into the abyss.

Razor rain, the pain of being honest.

The lost exit, find the right door or fall into oblivion.

During the adventure, the player will identify signs of different colours. Not all clues are accurate.

So are his memories.

Environment Assets

Underworld GuardiansLimbo Protectors. They lead the initial tests, awarding rewards for each one.

Secondary stage decorations



2D Panels (Memories)


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