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Embracing Empowerment

Embracing Empowerment

by claudettelaw on 20 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

It is a charming revolution that "Chuck's" is trying to boost every girl’s confidence, positivity, empowerment, mindfulness, and sense of adventure.

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Im designing a retail store for a Malaysia local skincare brand which founded by Jane Chuck.

This is the site analysis, located at Sunway Pyramid, Malaysia.

These are the concept of my whole design, using " Self Love", an ambience to design the whole retail store, curving sketches and curving concept model. The final concept model giving a strong feeling of self love because the curving part are closer to each other in the middle part which trying to tell every girls to love themselves before you love others.

This is my concept title "Embracing Empowerment" with a strong feeling of self love, which "Chuck's" is a brand that symbolise self love through their product.

These are the mood board and material board of the design. Overall using soft and curve material. And also using soft pink tone colour for the design.

These are the schematic diagram and construction drawing of the design.

These are the 3D rendering of the interior. 

This is the presentation board, design follow by the concept sketch and model, curve and wave shape, and let all the details blend in together.

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