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RazaFX | Character Shield Fx & Disintegration Fx Project

RazaFX | Character Shield Fx & Disintegration Fx Project

Raza Hussain
by RazaFx on 26 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

I've been learning the art of FX in Houdini, and I'm excited to share my VFX entry for the Rookies. I loved and enjoyed working on these projects. Hope you will also enjoy it.

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             Character Shield Fx

I loved creating this Character Shield FX using particles in Houdini. And learned lots of new thing during this personal project.


So the idea was to create a FX where lasers are going to hit a character and there is a shield around the character which reacts to the laser's hit.


For creating the lasers I used a circle and made it face the character “Crag” and started shooting particles (lasers) using particles simulation towards my character based on the normals of the circle.

Then used the popcollisiondetect node to detect particles while they were colliding with the crag, putting those colliding particles into a new group & creating one new particle from that new group particle and instanced small sphere onto those colliding particles.

Now I did another particles simulation to create a burst of particles and the source was that one particle colliding with the crag. Then those particles were projected back to the dilated crag model. The sparks simulation was also done with that one particle using the same process.

The rendering part (sparks, shield particles, lasers, and background) was rendered separately with Mantra and comped using Nuke.

Source For creating simulating particles based on the normal of the geometry.

I used circle as the source and did particles simulation with circle facing the character. And created velocity vector based on its normals (direction) to throw particles towards the character.

Main Particles Simulation.

The main particles simulation of this FX and it is projected back to the dilated geometry of the character to get that shield fx.

Sparks Simulation.

The sparks simulation is done using particles. When particles collide with the character, they generate a new burst of particles, creating the spark effect


The lasers are created from particles emitted from the circle. These particles then form a trail, which is rendered using polywire.

Geometry Lights for the Global Illumination.

For the geometry light, I created a low-resolution particle simulation and copied spheres onto these particles and put those spheres as source in geo light to achieve the laser and shield glow on the ground

All Simulation Setups.

The Cameras, Lights & All Node Setup.

This was the final node view for the render.

Nuke Compositing

Final Edit in Filmora.


                Disintegration Fx

My 2nd personal Disintegration Fx project that I created using Houdini's particles system.

Idea, Inspiration

The idea was to create a FX where a character is starting to disintegrate from a particular into a direction. And I got this inspiration from Avengers Infinity war movie.



To achieve this effect, I imported my model into Houdini & resized it. Then extruded individual pieces of the imported model and created a packed primitive of each piece using the assembled node.

For simulating particles, I created a source using a group node and extruded a sphere as a source for selecting the points within that group. Then I blasted out the pieces coming into that extruded sphere. Once the source was prepared, I started working on the particles simulation and after doing lots of tests, I finally got the results that I wanted. And finally, I rendered it using Houdini’s Mantra render engine.

Node View In Houdini

Lights, Cameras & Nodes Setup


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