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Meta Dungeons

Meta Dungeons

Mario Gallego Cano
by MarioGC on 17 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Procedural Tools for Unreal Engine. Discover a groundbreaking toolset for procedural generation in Unreal Engine, crafted in C++. Create intricate dungeon-like maps using noise algorithms, blend biomes for unique textures, and apply vertex noise for varied terrain. Dynamic footstep sound effects adapt to materials.

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Meta Dungeon - Procedural Tools

Introducing a comprehensive toolset for procedural generation in Unreal Engine, developed in C++. This innovative project is divided into five key components: noise generation, module interpretation, vertex noise application, texture generation, and procedural sound effects.

Noise Generation

The process begins with the generation of a noise map based on user-defined settings, utilizing a proprietary algorithm inspired by Simplex Noise. This noise map forms the foundation for the entire procedural environment, creating the essential variability needed for unique map designs.

Module Interpretation

Next, the noise map is interpreted to determine which modules should be placed at each point. Using a method similar to the Wave Function Collapse algorithm, the toolset identifies whether a point should be a wall, floor, or corridor. Once these decisions are made, all modules are unified into a cohesive map structure.

Texture Generation

Texture generation involves creating three distinct noise maps: a base map, a detail map, and an extra map. Each of these maps is assigned a random texture, and the three textures are blended into a single material. This blending process, guided by the noise maps, produces a rich and varied texture that adds visual complexity to the terrain.

These images depict the varying presence of biomes using only red, green, and blue; all other colors are interpolations of the created biomes.

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Vertex Noise Application

To enhance the diversity of the terrain, vertex noise is applied to the floor vertices. This subtle variation adds depth and realism to the landscape, ensuring that the environment feels more natural and less artificially generated.

Procedural Sound Effects

Finally, the toolset generates procedural sound effects based on the generated textures. By analyzing the material composition at each of the player's footsteps, the system calculates the percentage of each material present. This data is used to create unique footstep sounds that reflect the precise combination of materials the player is stepping on, adding an immersive auditory layer to the gameplay experience.


All data, settings, parameters, and models are fully exposed to the designer, allowing for extensive customization. Designers can adjust noise settings, textures, sounds, and more, tailoring the procedural generation process to their specific needs and creative vision.

With this toolset, you can revolutionize your game design by seamlessly integrating complex, dynamic environments that enhance both visual and auditory immersion. Whether you're creating intricate dungeons or expansive terrains, this procedural generation toolset empowers you to push the boundaries of what's possible in Unreal Engine.

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