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Sense & Sensibility

Sense & Sensibility

Clara López Roldán
by claralopezroldan on 27 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Sense: a faculty which the body percieves an external stimulus. Sensibility: the quality of being able to appreciate and respond to complex emotional or aesthetic influences. Both of this qualities create the perfect harmony of creativity and the understanding of our reality.

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Technology has given us the needed tools to imagine and create our future, and arquitectonical visualization allow us to give a first shape to these spaces. It helps us when speaking up for future projects, to materialize them, and finally, making them come true.

Hi, I am Clara, an arquitectonical visualization student. I have started this journey nine months ago, and before that, I had been working as a photographer. In this projects compilation I intend to show you that every part of the process while making an image is key for the final result. As well as the personal style I have been developing and improving during  these months.


The first thing I do when starting a project is understand what i want to show and which emotions I want to awaken. Composition and using the right camera help us telling our story.

In this still life i wanted to talk about loneliness, represented by a minimalist space with all the focus given to the shadows and the darkness within them.

This olive oil product images algthough minimalist, embrace a much more positive feeling, giving us touches of nature and organic elements.

"Morellana" Olive Oil, produced by "Sucesores de Hermanos López"


Modelling is one of the most technical aspects. It is time to focus on shapes, correct geometry and making a suitable mapping to our object in order to ensure good texturing later.

In my case I try to optimize this process making it as procedural as possible, using tools such as Array, Symmetry, Forest Pack and Railclone for instance. 

"Kangaroo" Chair


Lighting is the way we give the space both feeling and emotion. When lights are on, the image comes alive, and the photorealistic feeling begins.

With this project I intended to convey a warm felling, a cozy space to go to.

"HVerdagen" Eatery & Bar, and interior design by Vermland

This image brings me to my own city at night, when the streets are dark and one can only see thanks to the bright building lights, cars passing by and shy streetlights.

"Maison Hermès" building by Renzo Piano.


When making the materials, we take care of detail. During these months I have realised real surfaces are not perfect. The key to realistic materials is knowing where to add some cracks and dirt wherever is needed to achieve a realistic result.


Last but not least, is post-production. In order to make final images it is heavily significant giving it a proper color scheme. Photoshop is a powerful tool to add elements that are not posible in 3D programs or are highly time-consuming.

"Casa del Sol" architecture by "Fran Silvestre Arquitectos"

This has been the perfect combination in order to make images that speak of who I am, what I aspire to be when becoming a profesional, and what does this industry means to me: a new way of understanding the world and its arquitecture and design.

Thank you for listening to my story. Future awaits with upcoming projects and challenges to overcome.

See you soon!

Clara López.

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