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Local MSME rebranding - Xinn Food

Local MSME rebranding - Xinn Food

by junessa on 18 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Xinn Food Rebranding is a comprehensive web design and rebranding project aimed at revitalizing the brand's presence. This project focuses on showcasing the authenticity and distinctive flavors of our Halal dim sum through a modern, engaging website and rebranding.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Welcome to Xinn Food. 

The story of Xinn Food is one of innovation and tradition, rooted in the heart of culinary excellence. Founded as a boutique supplier of chilled food and appetizers in 2005, our journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of quality and a commitment to serving our customers. 

What is Xinn Food?

At Xinn Food, we're a myriad of flavors and experiences. And that's perfectly delicious! Just like our culinary creations, we defy categorization. Xinn Food is what you make of it. It's like a banquet, but with a twist. You share it with friends, old and new, and discover flavors that make you say, 'This is amazing!'

Our Mission

Our Vision

Brand value and Tone of Voice

Brand Colours




Design Development

Logo Development

Logo References

I wanted the logo to be flexible and adaptable for future use. Therefore, I decided to use mainly shapes. 

Playing with the letters 'X' and 'F'

I started off with playing with the shapes of the letters 'X' and 'F' for the logo, as it stands for the company's name. 

Giving it meaning

I associated the the letters 'X' and 'F' with the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life as it symbolizes creation and remind us of the unity of everything. So, I though that I could use the pattern in the logo to symbolize that we are what we eat, and that we are all connected as human beings, no matter the religion.

More references focusing on circular shapes

Developing more ideas

Finally, I decided to make one mother logo as the main brand logo using shapes from a circle. As for the brand values, I used each of the shape from the mother logo to make their own distinctive logos. 

Final Logo Design

Logo Animation

Web Development

Site Map

Flow Chart

Website Low Fidelity Wireframe

High Fidelity Wireframe


Figma Components

Figma Interactions

Final Website Video Walkthrough

Website Showcase


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