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Soothing Sage

Soothing Sage

by leongsirpei on 15 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Immerse ourselves in the tranquil ambiance of "Soothing Sage," where every element is meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of calm and serenity.

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My concept title is Soothing Sage. The elegant movement of green leaves spreads in the Soothing Sage scene of the tea plantation, displaying a stunning masterpiece made by the art of production and the majestic bless of nature. The tea plantation art blooms like a beautiful dance in the lovely embrace of Jeju Island, matching the calm rhythms of nature. Within this lovely canvas, Innisfree, an island of purity, grows a paradise where tea leaves whisper stories of peace, producing an amazing symphony of harmony and beauty.

For the concept  model, layers of the abstract environment open up like chapters in an enduring story. Imagine a calm environment where the majesty of nature is visible for all to witness. Here, the layers tell tales of development and connection rather of just being landscapes. Picture mist-kissed beginnings, planting seeds of life's potential. A rich tea plantation unfolds above, with every leaf acting as a brushstroke in a dynamic work of art. These layers stand for our connection to nature, where our work matches the natural beauty of the planet. It's a story of growth that beats in time with the globe. The tea plantation is a live example of how we are one with nature's wonders and more than just a pretty sight in our world.

A customized sink invites with its warm appeal at our skincare store. Huge papercraft flowers flank its sides, and a warm cork partition wall forms its backdrop. This warm area is intended to let customers look into and use each skincare product directly, creating a comfortable setting for self-care exploration.

Explore to our retail, where the material board creates a soothing yet stimulating atmosphere. Warmth, reincarnation, and energy are the emotions evoked by these neutral tones, which are dominated by shades of green and brown. We will feel surrounded by a warm atmosphere as we move throughout our area, where new life vibrates into every corner. Every detail has been thoughtfully chosen to inspire a sense of comfort and tranquility, from the earthy warmth of wooden elements to the gentle textures of natural materials. Shopping here is transformed from a transaction into a journey of refreshment and renewal in an environment meant to embrace and energize.

This is the precisely scaled 1:100 furniture layout plan. Customers are welcomed by eye-catching window displays at the entryway, featuring skincare exhibits and enormous papercraft flowers. Entering, one is greeted with the fresh collection's attractiveness, which features the newest items. A separate section on the left features a variety of skincare items and a modern sink for hands-on experiments. Proceeding onward, the cashier is located in the middle area, and a private storage room is located in the back. Adjacent to the cosmetic display area on the right is a consultation zone that invites us to come in for specific assistance.


New Collection Display

Skincare Area

Cosmetic Area


This is the presentation board, aptly named "Soothing Sage," featuring five different views: 3D renderings, construction drawings, mood board, and material board. The design is unified due to the calming sage color scheme that covers the whole thing and gives it a cozy, tranquil feel.

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