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Quentin Devred - FX Demoreel

Quentin Devred - FX Demoreel

Quentin Devred
by QuentinDevred on 14 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Here is a compilation of some of the shots i've worked on "Au Revoir Mon Monde" short film at MoPA school. I was in charge of the FX and CFX as well as some compositing. Here is a breakdown of some of my favorite shots.

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        Fx Breakdown - Demoreel

I used Houdini for the FX work, and rendered the effects either in Houdini or Maya using Arnold render engine.

With a tight schedule of around five months and a lot of shots to handle, it was quite a challenge. Here are the different type of effects needed :

POP : Various particle simulations such as meteors, sparkles, and embers.

PYRO : A range of PYRO effects, including different types of smokes, flames, explosions, ...

RBD : RBD simulations for building destruction, tsunami wave of building as well as for creating pebbles and rocks. 

Vellum : Vellum simulations for character cloth, mascot costume, hair dynamics, environment.

CROWD : On a few shots.


The most challenging part was that almost every shot of the film had FX or CFX work on it. With the scale and ambition of the effects set to a high bar and with limited disk space/hardware, that was not optimal for the task. I had to do a lot of optimization. Most of the smokes needed to be reusable to avoid filling the project disk space with tons of FX data. Whenever there was a repetition (meteors, building,..) it were instances with randomisation. 

For example, all the fractures of the building forming a wave of glass had only 2 variants, and were then instanced with random orientation to create visual variation. For the meteorites, it was only one meteorite instanced with randomisation attributes, or a single front render then applied on mutliple planecards attached to a pop sim in Nuke.

                                                          animatic / render comparison

                                                               huge meteor lookdev

                                    example of environment set dressing using destruction

Link to the film entry :                       "Goodbye My World"

My socials :                       linkedin      -     vimeo      -     youtube      -     artstation 

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