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Environment Concepts

Environment Concepts

Jordan Looh
by JRDLOOH on 13 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

I'm exceptionally passionate into environment design and creation. One of my biggest interest is to explore and develop my blender 3D skills to aids my environment design process.

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"CREATION" unfolds in a future where humanity, on the verge of exhausting earth's resources, embarks on a daring mission to explore and colonize a distant planet capable of sustaining human life. 

Human discovers a habitable exoplanet, designated as Acardia, they are filled with hope and anticipation. As they step foot on this alien world, the encounter an awe-inspiring landscape teeming with exotic flora and fauna, and encounter a myriad of wonders that challenge their understanding of the universe


An abandon overgrown mysterious place. Nobody knows where the artifacts comes from. Hence, people started to believe it was one of the god's sacred place Rumors told there's a magical glowing rock that have the power of a god but nobody found it It was reserved for spiritual rituals and activities such as prayer and sacrifice by the mortals.


The sea temple, known as ADORAR It was well known for the huge sea arches at the area The temple core is made by an unknown substance that discovered in Atmos Humans discovered w ith the protection of that stone, that place will not be affected by any natural disasters at all It glows in the night and it will appear words on it. Till this day, there's still nobody knows what it means.


The Largest Land Temple EMRALD was built using the magical stone. They called it AGANITE. Humans start to use it for protection No monsters or natural disaster will appear or happen in that place.

With the rapid development of science and technology. Humans created Project OUTFAR. Pillars that contain aganite inside to protect the area. An aganite can only protect a small distance area so humans create floating pillars and spread them all around the world to make sure its safe in every area.

Sir Gareth, armed with only his trusty sword and unwavering courage, ventured into the depths of the ancient ruins, where shadows whispered tales of forgotten kingdoms and lost treasures, his heart pounding with every step into the unknown.

As Jake wandered through the old asylum, he left doors open, not thinking much of it. But with each unlocked door, the zombified nurse shuffled closer, her moans growing louder.

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