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Restaurant design project

Restaurant design project

by BeanCoCo on 12 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

This project is to design a fine dining restaurant for Disfrutar cover around 4600 sqft. The objective of this project is to create a space that gives a feeling of ocean, imagine stepping onto the beach and instantly being embraced by the soothing symphony of waves delicately caressing the shore.

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"The tide rose higher and higher, flooding the reef. The mysterious voices of the ocean come in clearer and clearer, louder and louder, sometimes like cannons blasting, sometimes like forests whistling, and sometimes like a distant cacophony of human voices. As the tide rushes in and floods the coral reefs, it sets the stage for fascinating natural wonders, and the ocean itself seems to communicate in a symphony of mysterious sounds. As the "cannon blasts" and the "forest whistles," the former is a cacophonous, explosive presence that evokes the great power and force found in the waves. The latter is the sound of the forest whistling, which alluded to a softer, calming presence similar to the sound of rustling leaves and the peaceful ambiance of the forest floor. When combined, they show how the ocean is both a source of calm and an amazing force."

The ceiling's design evokes the feeling of ocean waves.

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