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Decided to be a (rookie) Concept Artist!

Decided to be a (rookie) Concept Artist!

Susana Higuero Molina
by shmRex on 11 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

My path to become a professional concept artist, starting with a journey in Animum Creativity Advanced School working hard

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Hello there!

I'm Susan and I am trying to change my life and becomes in a concept artist.

I am a Digital Designer and I was working as teacher in some subjects of videogames development related. Was amazing because I love videogames and could enjoy of every process, but I decided a less than two years ago change it and study my real passion: concept art.

So, my concept art journey starts in October 2022, in Animum Creativity Advanced School, working hard for the Concept Art for Character design Master,  and it ends on April 2024. Times flies and I can't believe it.

I wasn't courage enought to participate in Rookies awards the past year, but I am decide this one to became a Rookie!


Barbara was one of the first character design proyects I made for Animum, and I felt in love with the project at first sight.

They gave us a briefeng about a little background and characteristics of the character, but we had some freedom to put our vision on it, always beign respectfull with the brief.

In the moment I read about Barbara, I could imagine her in a steampunk world full of life. 

I want to thanks to my mentors, who guided, inspired and helped me to reach this results:

Guadalupe Pinos Cañadilla and Anthony Lorente.

Was my first time designing a detailed prop. I was thinking in something that could looks good on her, delicate but strong enough at same time.

Was really fun to play with.

To finalize, let me show you some more process and the references that helped me to inspire this world and character.

Will the rat & Rose

I was so in love with Barbara project, so when I finished with the Animum Concept Art Master I decided to rescue it and make a companion for Barb.

I thought carefully about a character that would help create a consistent and interesting world and...

Will the rat and her beauty rat Rose appear!

Was so fun to work on and watch this rascal come to life, this time by myself, withouth mentors.

Anyway, I want to thank Jesús Álvarez Ocampo for his feedback and support.

It won't be the end of this world


This project was a little bit different. We had a briefing but, this time, we have to make a companion for an existing character.

Was a challenge to make a character who could stay side by side with the character made by a pro.

Was fun to change to sci fi look, and a special work cause I had the luck to have a mentor I admired from time ago.

Special  thanks to my mentors, who guided, inspired and helped me to reach this results:

Jean Fraisse and Alfonso Blaas

The character reference is by the amazing: Rui Zhang

The librarian

This time we had to work from a face picture, caricaturized it and design a body who fits, in cartoon style.

Thanks again to my mentor: Jean Fraisse

Spiderwick Chronicles Concept

This time I worked in a workshop with the amazing Almu Redondo about storytelling and visual developing.

I choosed Spiderwick Chronicles book and try to came to life one of my favorite scene from the books and the isolation feeling from the brothers in the story.

I had to design de characters too, and I wanted a cartoon style.

Special thanks to Almu Redondo, for the workshop and feedback. Was amazing.


This work was a challange cause we had to make a far west background. Was time to play with light and colors and composition.
It was the first time I designed a background and it let me play with different proposals to find the best fitting with the style I wanted to experiment with.

I want to thanks to my mentors, who guided, inspired and helped me to reach this results:

Guadalupe Almu Redondo and Anthony Lorente.

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